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I Lost My Little Girl

Guest jsullysix

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Guest bowiebears

My sympathies, thoughts & prayers in your grief.

Charlie was a very beautiful girl, and it is bvious she was a joy to you and yours.


Many blessing on you and healing and peace.


One day we will be reunited again at The Bridge.



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I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you soon find peace and comfort in your memories.

Drake - Fortified Power x Cajun Oriel

Janney - Ronco x Sol Happy

Waiting at the bridge: Sirocco - (Reko Sirocco) - Trojan Episode x Reko Princess; Nikki - (MPS Sharai) - Devilish Episode x MPS Daisy Queen;
Yukon - (Yak Back) - Epic Prince x Barts Cinnamon

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I am so sorry for your loss. I do hate cancer. It is the thief who robs us everyday of those we love.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Charlie. :f_pink:f_pink

Missing my sweet girl Scout. My snuggler, my chow-hound, my kissy girl.
It never thunders at the Bridge, and your food bowl is ALWAYS filled.

So strange not living in Atty World. I was a love struck handmaiden to your every whim.

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No words, I am so sorry.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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i'm finally at a point where i can talk about this somewhat...


i noticed that charlie (7 years old) had been limping for a few days, so i took her to the vet on 9/28.

they did xrays, and confirmed that she had bone cancer, but it had also started to metastasize (sp?) and move into her chest.

my little girl let me know that she was ready to go on saturday, 9/29 (which also happened to be my birthday), and i helped her cross over.


she was cremated, and i will release some of her ashes in the baseball field that she used to love running in.


i miss her so much; i had her for a little over 5 years, and it was nowhere near enough time.


i love you charlie; you'll always be my little girl.



I am crying as I read this. I lost my sweet girl the sme way two weeks ago. I know how hard it is. I only had mine for a year, but she enriched our lives.


Make a fast friend, adopt a greyhound!!

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Guest greymom1997

You are in my prayers... I just lost my Phillie a week ago from Insulinoma ... and my Hammer passed from OS... It is never easy to lose these precious souls that have come into our lives and stolen our hearts. We have been given a cherished gift... the love of a greyhound...

Let your memories of happier times that you shared together sustain you... We will all meet again at the bridge... What a fantastic reunion that will be!



Run free sweet Charlie...


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