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Dr Couto?

Guest LittleGreys

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Guest LittleGreys

Does Dr. Couto only do cancer in Greyhounds, or any Greyhound problem? I am about at the end of the line with Munchie. I thought the laser therapy had helped, but today she is very painful. She was very lame over the weekend, I gave her the limit of pain meds (that I had at home anyway) until I could get her in today. We did more xrays, look fairly normal other than the obvious (for those who remember her saga). Her neck is very painful, she doesn't raise her head up, her carpus joints are painful, as are hips and stifles. My vet is at a loss. Our next step is a joint tap to check for polyarthritis, but her joints aren't swollen, which is usual with polyarthritis. She is on doxy, tramadol, is doped up on morphine right now, and starting pred in the AM (had to wait until Rimadyl is out of her system). She is not "sick", she eats, drinks, pees, poops, no vomiting, no diarrhea. No weight loss. My vet is leaning toward all the joints are sore from compensating for her spine issues.

She has seen Dr Radcliffe in the spring, but he is out of the office.

Ohio State is a good drive away, but do-able, but if Dr Couto only does cancer, I may opt for the Pittsburgh referral center, or keep plugging away with my regular vets and trying different things. We are starting Adequan injections on Wednesday...




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He and his colleagues do all kinds of greyhound health issues.


I'm sorry to hear Munchie isn't feeling well -- she's such a pretty girl. She is lucky to have you.

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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Guest greytmonty

He takes care of all issues with greys, and has all the experts in the various fields (onco, derm, etc) to help in the diagnosis and treatment. He is the best.

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If Dr. Couto doesn't know what's wrong, he will find an expert who does. We first took Bodie to OSU for his skin issues and Dr. Couto called the head of dermatology and they were pouring over him together, trying to come up with a diagnosis. When Bodie's cancer came out of the blue, Dr. Couto had us out there in a day and had a surgical team and an oncological team assembled and ready. Now when Bodie goes out for chemo, he gets the works - last time he visited oncology, orthopedics, and dermatology. He was all over the hospital!


I see you live in PA, so do we - the drive isn't as bad as it sounds as it's mostly country driving. With every two weeks at 7 hours one way - we should know! Contact Dr. Couto. You won't be sorry you did.

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Do you need Dr. Couto's e-mail address? If so, pm me and I'll give it to you.


Sorry that Munchie isn't feeling well.

Edited by nancy14

From Wisconsin -- It's Nancy, Bob, Carla, June Bug and our newby Skorch.... along with Buffy. She's the little hound that meows.

With loving memorials to K.C., Barko and Major Turn -- all playing at the bridge.

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Poor Munchie! I'm guessing you've run a full tick panel?


As others have stated, Dr. Couto has a full team there for whatever your needs may be. He specializes in hemotology and oncology.

Meredith with Heyokha (HUS Me Teddy) and Crow (Mike Milbury). Missing Turbo (Sendahl Boss), Pancho, JoJo, and "Fat Stacks" Juana, the psycho kitty. Canku wakan kin manipi.

"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." - Voltaire

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Sorry to butt in, but do you know how long Dr. Radcliffe is out of the office? I'm thinking it's getting close to time for Neyla to visit him for her toe problem.


Jen, CPDT-KA with Zuri, lab in a greyhound suit, Violet, formerly known as Faith, Skye, the permanent puppy, Cisco, resident cat, and my baby girl Neyla, forever in my heart

"The great thing about science is that you're free to disagree with it, but you'll be wrong."

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Guest LittleGreys
Sorry to butt in, but do you know how long Dr. Radcliffe is out of the office? I'm thinking it's getting close to time for Neyla to visit him for her toe problem.

I believe he takes the whole month of September off, so I would call his office and see for sure what day he is coming back in.

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Guest SillyDog
Poor Munchie! I'm guessing you've run a full tick panel?


As others have stated, Dr. Couto has a full team there for whatever your needs may be. He specializes in hemotology and oncology.



Exactly what I was going to ask about the tick borne diseases. I've got a guy who's somewhere between 9-11 who's got 3 different TBDs. When he's having problems he presents with multiple points of pain, just like Munchie. He's also got a neck disc problem, so he gets a nerve pain killer (amantadine) in addition to tramadol & metacam. He's currently on a 2 month course of doxy for his most recent TBD flare.


Hope Munchie gets better! It's no fun when they're so sore.

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Guest PetersMom

I believe that Dr Cuoto handles all types of Greyhound issues. Just recently our local vet consulted with him via fax and phone about our Grey Peter, who was very ill but not with cancer.


We found him and his staff to be very kind and prompt in answering our questions. We heard about him from other members on this site and everyone raved about him.


Good luck..



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Just email him. He's wonderful at pointing you in the right direction if he can't help you.

Remembering the games we used to play: Games We Used to Play: A Hop, Skip and Jump Down Memory Lane


Oscar (Answer to Chevy): 8/23/02-8/13/07 & Dee (Cee Bar Denise): 12/23/98-8/28/08.

Order your own copy of Oscar's Diaries: Life as a Retired Greyhound

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If you can get him to OSU do it. I live in Florida and took my Dennis up to OSU. I could do it and I did it. Best move I even made. It was worth every mile we drove. We will never ever regret it and will do it again when needed.




Then God sent the Greyhound to live among man and remember. And when the Day comes,

God will call the Greyhound to give Testament, and God will pass judgment on man.

(Persian Proverb)

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Guest sunshine123

I emailed Dr. Couto regarding a problem I was having with my Dalmatian. He was very helpful, and put my mind at ease. I am still not sure what is wrong with her, but he did offer a consult with a Ortho Vet. She is starting to show signs of improvement and is under the care of my local vet. Don't hesitate to contact him, he does anything he can for the hounds. (all hounds)

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Dr. Couto will see the hounds for almost anything... and if it is something that he isn't comfortable with... he'll get the appropriate specialist in for an opinion. You can make an appt. directly with dr. couto, with OSU's Greyhound clinic or if Dr. Dyce is on clinics... I would make an appt. with him. Dr. Jon Dyce is an OUTSTANDING orthopedist and is VERY Greyhound savvy. We are really lucky to have both Dr. Couto and Dr. Dyce at OSU (lucky for those of us in Ohio). If Dr. Dyce was on clinics... I would make an appt. with him, if not then I would make an appt. with either Dr. Couto directly or the Greyhound clinic... whichever I could get into first. Just make sure Dr. Couto is "on clinics" when you make an appt. with the Greyhound clinic.





Bella and Sky at the bridge

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anabele France


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Guest LittleGreys

I called OSU this afternoon to see about making an appointment with Dr Couto. The lady who answered the phone was certainly not friendly to say the least! I told her I had a sick Greyhound and wanted to see Dr Couto or Dr Dyce with the Greyhound clinic. She said I had to see Drs. so and so and rattled off 3 names. I said I only wanted to see Dr Couto and she said no, Dr Couto only sees oncology patients. I thanked her and told her I had a direct number for Dr Couto and would just call him directly. Sheesh. Guess its not as easy as it sounds. :lol

Anyway, by then I was running late for our therapy dog visits, so I didn't call. But I did send him an email this evening, so hopefully he will get it and reply. I hope I sent it to the right email address!


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Technically Dr. Couto doesn't see patients in the Greyhound clinic... he just "oversees it". From what I understand though he does see most if not all of hte patients that go through the Greyhound clinic... the "offical" doctor listed is someone else though.


Dr. Dyce is in orthopedics and you should be able to schedule directly with him for orthopedic issues. He isn't directly affiliated with the Greyhound clinic... but that doesn't matter. He is super Greyhound savvy and a GREYT orthopedist (the best one I know).





Bella and Sky at the bridge

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anabele France


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Guest LittleGreys

I finally got an email sent over to Dr Couto, which he promptly answered. I am mailing Munchie's xrays and copies of everything I have and he is going to review those and get back to me. He said he did not feel a tick panel was warrented in her case, not to spend the money on it.

Am anxious to see what he has to say after he has reviewed her rads!

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Great that you got in touch with Dr. Couto. I was just going to add that Dr. Couto does not only handle cancer issues. Power was having some blood abnormalities (swelling and bruising at injection points - whether taking blood for tests or giving an injectable drug) (we did run the full gamet of TBD tests and all other blood related tests (coagulation, Von Willdebrands) - all came back normal) and I had my vets get in contact with Dr. Couto and Dr. Couto may have referred my vets onto another specialist at OSU, but I couldn't be happier with the response I received from Dr. Couto.


In case anyone is wondering - our holistic vet wanted me to start Power on raw beef heart to help his condition and we do beleive that this has helped. There was no medication that Dr. Couto or any of the other vets placed Power on for his blood abnormality. Basically, if the area that they are planning on taking blood or injecting a medication into Power, they ice the area down and that seems to lessen the problem. Weird.

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