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Seniors And Bladder Control

Guest WarmheartedPups

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Guest WarmheartedPups

Otis will soon be 10 years old. This last 6 months, he just cant hold the pee all day while I am at work.


If I am not home by 2:30....he will pee. He used to be able to go from 7:30 to 4"30....but just cant anymore. I dont let him have much water in the a.m.


I dont want to crate him or put pants on him.....I dont want to punish him...the poor guy just has to go.


I am not talking about incontinence...he goes a "lake"


I do come home for lunch everyday and I have a dogwalker when I cant get home....but its a giant pain and expensive.....but will do it for my boy if necessary...cause this works...but I am wondering....


Does anyone have a senior going through this? Are there meds that lengthen the time he can hold it?


Any other tricks tips I can try?


Thanks guys!!

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My senior is the same way. I try not to leave her for more than 6.5 to 7 hours a day. DH and I are gone for at least 9 hours during the day for work. I have a dog walker who comes by during lunch 3 days a week and I go home the other 2. It is expensive but I think it is better than having to clean up pee or poop when I get home from work everyday.

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Guest Ladyluther

I too have a senior guy who will be 14 in 2 weeks..Ya know, I think it is a lot to ask of the old ones to hold it for 9 hours, so like the others said - a schedule change might help, and a vet visit just to make sure all is well.


My guy could always go from 7:30 til 3pm, but in the lst few weeks, I've seen that it is not working for him and he is asking for OUT at 2..I think part of it is the cooler weather comming on...I am semi retired now, so don't have the work issues that you do..but in the end, the best thing might be an investment in a reliable petsitter.


Good luck, and let us know how it works out.


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Guest KennelMom

Our seniors all hold it through the night (11pm - 7am) w/no problems. Elvis (11) usually skips last turnout b/c he's too lazy to get up and holds it from dinner time (8pmish) until morning. Grandpa (13) sometimes needs to go more during the day, but we do lots of turnouts so it's not an issue.


I'd probably have a urine culture done just to make sure there's no UTI going on.

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Willow, 15 in Nov., has to go every 4 hours or so. Regardless of whether is day time or night.

Lucy, Mommy to Alex (Fuzzy's Alexander), Zachy, and Lovey (RWC First Love). Angels Willow (Memu), Gracie LuLu (Reward Whammo), Prince (Dundrum Prince) and Rally (My Rapid Rally) , Siamese kitties Dallas and Dixie, Balinese kitty Zoe and bridge kitty Miza

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Guest Tenderhearts

Ditto on the urine culture. Raven (non-grey), almost 14 1/2 years old now and on heart meds, including a diuretic, usually makes it through the entire night dry :)

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Guest WarmheartedPups
Have you done a urine culture on him? Do you walk him in the morning? Do you have a certified chiropractor and/or acupuncture vet close?




I haven't done a urine culture yet....as I heard that UTI's are more common in females.


No walk in the a.m. .....just lunch and evenings.


Yes I do have an alternative vet close by.

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Guest Ladyluther

I forgot to ask you if there has been any changes in diet or meds?? I know that since Luther has been eating more canned (= more moisture)...that's when his need to pee more often really took off. He sleeps like a rock during the night from 10 pm until 6AM..but once he is awake and active, his bladder kicks in..

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Guest WarmheartedPups
I forgot to ask you if there has been any changes in diet or meds?? I know that since Luther has been eating more canned (= more moisture)...that's when his need to pee more often really took off. He sleeps like a rock during the night from 10 pm until 6AM..but once he is awake and active, his bladder kicks in..



Nope...no changes in food and not on any meds.


I do wonder if he is emptying all the way.....cause in the a.m. he pees and then runs like mad to get into the house to have breakfast. I've tried letting him out after breakfast and that didnt help.


Also, I havent taken him on a walk, but I did put him on his leash and take him out to his favorite tree to see if he would pee right before I go to work.....but if he has gone in the last two hours...he wont go again.


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Guest jfroggirl76

My neighbor's 10 year old greyhound starting having urination problems, she took her to the vet (we share the same vet) and he did some blood work on her. She turned out to have a thyroid problem, now that they have her meds controlling it she seems to be able to hold it longer. She was drinking a lot of water and she didn't have anyone to let her out during the day while she was @ work.


I also have 15 year old border collie mix, who also has a thyroid problem and he does not have any problems urinating in the house thank god! He was also taking in a lot of water that was how I knew something was wrong.


Good luck

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We've found that feeding raw food kept our Coco from wetting the floor while we were at work. For some reason, he drinks less AND urinates less on the raw diet.


Does switching to feeding one big meal do anything for pups in this situation? In other words, one large meal for dinner, no food for breakfast? I'm thinking that kibble is "salty," and excreting that salt and water is where the urine is coming from. Or perhaps a much smaller breakfast, and a larger dinner to make up for the caloric difference.


If it's not medical, perhaps a dietary change could help.

Coco (Maze Cocodrillo)

Minerva (Kid's Snipper)

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Similar problems with Quiet Man a year or so ago when he was turning 10. What I did:


-Full vet check=no problems.

-Change in diet: I had started giving him Merrick canned, a very rich food, then stopped due to salt intake. He only gets dry food now.

-Started using belly bands at night and when I was not at home, helped A LOT

-Changed my job, able to come home on my supper break, so he is not alone for more than 5 or 6 hours.

-Going out: goes out to pee 6 times a day vs. 4 previously.

-Change in behavior, had a stressful time in the house w/ a divorce, now things have calmed down and so has he.


All of these things combined have resulted in being back to no more accidents in the house! :rolleyes:

Edited by JenniferS

Forever in my heart: my girl Raspberry & my boys Quiet Man, Murphy, Ducky, Wylie & Theo
www.greyhoundadventures.org & www.greyhoundamberalert.org & www.duckypaws.com


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Just wanted to say that when my Kramer was about that age, the same thing happened. Rivers of pee! I took him to the vet, and his urine was EXTREMELY dilute--a switch to Hill's K/D for his kidneys was all he needed--and of course lots of monitoring. It really helped a LOT. I can't afford a daily dog walker myself. Kramer lasted two more years, and after his initial bout of accidents, was able to hold it all day again!


George says hi to Otis.




Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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We're going through this now with our old girl, who's 13. Since the weather's been nice, I've been leaving the sliding door open slightly, which has worked great, but it's not a permanent solution (i.e. this won't work when it's 10 degrees outside!). I'm working on DH on getting a patio dog door insert so that she can go out whenever she needs to.



In vino veritas
Rachael with Rook, missing Sully, Sebau, and Diesel

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My Nevada (15 years old) still has a bladder of steel until her cushings disease flares up (like right now) and then she can't hold it all day. I've trained her to go on pee-pee pads. She's very good about using the pads & only seems to use them when she really can't hold it all day. There are days that she can hold it & the pads don't get used. She's a smart, good girlie! :wub:

Carol-Glendale, AZ

Trolley (Figsiza Trollyn)

Nevada 1992-2008...always in my heart

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Guest vahoundlover

If it's not a UTI then I would make an appt with a holisitic vet. Boss is 12 and during the heat of the summer he was peeing during the night everynight, our holistic vet said he was really hot inside...she put him on ____? (can't think of the name at the moment) He started with 1/2 dosage and did great! We worked him up to the full dosage and he started peeing again, so we dropped it down to 1/2 and he has only pee'd twice since then.


I gate him off in the living room and put waterproof mattress pads down, If he has to go he can go and they are easy to wash.

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