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Goods Has A Lump On Inside Of Back Right Leg

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Artemis's started out that way. It was not attached and she didn't care about us touching it or anything. She had it crop up right at the joint and it didn't change shape or size until it had been there for six or so months. We had it removed but didn't have it tested. About a year later it began to grow again, but even now it hasn't changed sizes or anything.


The one that is causing the most problems is the one on her side that we should have removed when it was small. I'd get it removed.


Argo and bridge babies Artemis, Icarus and Iris.

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They have to put him under to remove it, right?.... I'm worried about his age regarding that. What exactly would be my options for removing it?





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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I would think they will have to put him under to remove it and I would want it sent out to deterimine for sure what it is. There are several possibilities. Try to not think positive and not stress out over it at this point. It could be something really simple. :grouphug

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Your vet could perform a fine needle aspirate. That involves sticking in needle in the mass and aspirating (sucking out) a few cells. If your vet is comfortable doing so he/she could read the slide right there. If things look suspicious or your vet has concerns then it would be best to have the path Dr at the lab take a peek. Of course, a FNA may not give you an answer at all then a biopsy would be required.

I would think that your dog would need general anesthesia because of the area the mass is located, working on a leg is tough enough as there isn't too much skin to help close your incision. I suppose your vet may want to try to give some "happy juice" with a local to see if that works. If general is used I would do pre-op bloodwork and an EKG just to make sure everything is up to par--age should not determine if general anesthesia is used his health will determine that. Please don't make your self sick with worry--easy for me to say right?? Please keep us updated :P

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Guest RooRoo

don't let them tell you it's too small to aspirate... Mikasa's mast cell tumor was the size of a tiny pimple - the needles can be almost invisible to the eye to get the job done.


As you know, this "pimple" that the other vet ignored for a year was indeed cancer. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about with Goods in the end :hope Let us know how your appointment goes this afternoon.


:kiss2 to Goods from Rizzo and Kiwi too



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Guest MomofSweetPotatoes

Diane, I am just seeing this.


Gus is 12.5 years old and went under recently to have a tooth removed. They can do an anesthesia that is easily reversible - I can't remember the protocol - Dr Bill? They've done it with Gus and my others in the past. It's amazing to see them come out to be picked up and have them bright and not so dopey.


I would see if they can aspirate to determine the cells. It may just be an old man fatty cyst, in that case I would leave it, but if it needs removal see if laser removal is an option. It's quick and heals very fast.


Thinking of you and Goods and all of the gang.

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Cosmo was over 12 when she was put under several times for chemo (local vet didn't want to do it w her awake). She did fine w it.

Molly the Border Collie & Poquita the American-born Podenga

Bridge Babies: Daisy (Positive Delta) 8/7/2000 - 4/6/2115, Agnes--angel Sage's baby (Regall Rosario) 11/12/01 - 12/18/13, Lucky the mix (Found, w 10 puppies 8/96-Bridge 7/28/11, app. age 16) & CoCo (Cosmo Comet) 12/28/89-5/4/04

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Thanks everyone. She took a needle biopsy and I'll know in a few days. She's very confident its fatty cyst but did the biopsy just to be 100% sure.


She talked to me about anesthesia and she told me the way she'd go is to give him a very light dose, that would only knock him out for a few short minutes and he'd wake up just fine. No acepromozine.


We'll see what happens in a few days, I'm not so worried anymore. He was totally miserable though, his snout was right up against the crack in the door trying to do the Jedi Mind Trick on me and make me open the door for him :P:lol


I'll let you all know as soon as I hear :) Thanks for caring about Goods, he's really such great boy :wub:

Edited by DianeFG





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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Ruby our JRT has a couple of fatty tumors, one lovely one hanging from her belly! But one vet told me that they can usually tell its a fatty tumor because the aspirate feels slippery between their fingers, but of course they always send it off.


Good thoughts for Goods! Is Merlin helping to cheer him up? :)

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Ruby our JRT has a couple of fatty tumors, one lovely one hanging from her belly! But one vet told me that they can usually tell its a fatty tumor because the aspirate feels slippery between their fingers, but of course they always send it off.


Good thoughts for Goods! Is Merlin helping to cheer him up? :)


:lol Yes :lol Merlin and Goods ended lounging together by the pool after I got Goods home :P They've become fast friends :wub:





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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Guest RooRoo

Oh let's hope it is nothing more... poor Goods getting all stressed out. I'm glad he got to hang out by the pool and get his nose back into shape! :blink: We'll look for an update next week. Have a good weekend and don't worry about your baby too much ;)

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Guest Winterwish
...though his snout was right up against the crack in the door trying to do the Jedi Mind Trick on me and make me open the door for him :P:lol ...




Sending good thoughts out for Goods! :hope:dogcookie

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Diane, I am just seeing this.


Gus is 12.5 years old and went under recently to have a tooth removed. They can do an anesthesia that is easily reversible - I can't remember the protocol - Dr Bill? They've done it with Gus and my others in the past. It's amazing to see them come out to be picked up and have them bright and not so dopey.


I would see if they can aspirate to determine the cells. It may just be an old man fatty cyst, in that case I would leave it, but if it needs removal see if laser removal is an option. It's quick and heals very fast.


Thinking of you and Goods and all of the gang.


Laser is how my Molly's nerve sheath tumor was removed the second time. The laser was so much easier on her and healing was done in half the time. The tumor was on her right rear leg, she was 12 the second time around.


Sending prayers that Goods just has a cyst that doesn't need anything done. :hope:grouphug

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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Guest guinness_the_greyt

Are you going to leave it there if its just a fatty tumor? Harley had a ton of fatty tumors... he turned into my lumpy love! :lol Never had to have them removed because they were cosmetic... although he only had 1 on a leg and luckily it wasn't in a place that bothered him. Hope thats the case for Goods!



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Are you going to leave it there if its just a fatty tumor? Harley had a ton of fatty tumors... he turned into my lumpy love! :lol Never had to have them removed because they were cosmetic... although he only had 1 on a leg and luckily it wasn't in a place that bothered him. Hope thats the case for Goods!


Oh I would absolutely leave him be! I don't believe in doing anything just for cosmetic purposes, as a matter of fact my IG, Penny, has Alopecia. My vet said she could give Penny something that would make her hair grow in, I asked her if her health was compromised at all because she's bald, my vet said "Nope", soooooo Penny runs around naked :P actually she has little coats :lol I don't want her to take meds because I want a fluffy dog.... I just want a happy, healthy, long living pup :wub:





Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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Are you going to leave it there if its just a fatty tumor? Harley had a ton of fatty tumors... he turned into my lumpy love! :lol Never had to have them removed because they were cosmetic... although he only had 1 on a leg and luckily it wasn't in a place that bothered him. Hope thats the case for Goods!


Oh I would absolutely leave him be! I don't believe in doing anything just for cosmetic purposes, as a matter of fact my IG, Penny, has Alopecia. My vet said she could give Penny something that would make her hair grow in, I asked her if her health was compromised at all because she's bald, my vet said "Nope", soooooo Penny runs around naked :P actually she has little coats :lol I don't want her to take meds because I want a fluffy dog.... I just want a happy, healthy, long living pup :wub:



Ruby (JRT) has a few fatty tumors. We call them "old lady bumps". :) The only one we had removed was one on her back leg that was squeezing out her muscle and causing it to atrophy a bit. The one on her belly is just fine staying where it is, it doesn't do a thing for her girlish figure, but who cares? :)


I'm glad Goods has Merlin to cheer him up and lounge by the pool with him! :lol

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Guest RooRoo

Just checking to see if you've heard anything since Saturday's biopsy :unsure


:kiss2 to Goods from Rizzo and Kiwi


edited because my grammar weren't so good!

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Have you received the results??


:hope good thoughts!!

Major & Black Jack are the BEST Doggies in the WORLD

A Major Presence - MAJOR - March 10, 1999 - January 13, 2011

Little Joe - BLACK JACK - July 31, 1998 - February 8, 2011


"If you lead your life the right way, the karma will take care of itself. " - Randy Pausch

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Just checking to see if you have heard anything, and hoping when you do hear, it is only good news for Goods. :)

Greyhound angels at the bridge- Casey, Charlie, Maggie, Molly, Renie, Lucy & Teddy. Beagle angels Peanut and Charlie. And to all the 4 legged Bridge souls who have touched my heart, thank you. When a greyhound looks into you eyes it seems they touch your very soul.

"A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more then he loves himself". Josh Billings


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I'm sorry I didn't get on her sooner to give the results. He has a cyst. I've decided to leave him be, it's not bothering him (unless I was poking at it :blush


Thanks for all your well wishes!!! I will give him a big smooch from each and every one of you all :wub: He's such a good boy!



Today we went on the Trail Bound Hounds walk but Goods couldn't come. His hind quarters gave out on him last night when he was going down the stairs into the yard. He slid down the wooden stairs on his belly and skinned almost every knuckle on both back feet as they dragged behind him. He jumped up and ran back up the stairs to go back in the house, he was so scared. He went out fine today, but I'm afraid the days of his long trail hikes are probably over. It's tough to watch them age :(


Merlin took the walk and he really did well, he was so happy to see all the dogs. He gave Doug some good smoochies, and he really loves Rizzo and Kiwi (he's met them before)......but it was odd not having Goods there.....






Fudgie 2/27/96 - 8/14/05 and Goods 2/27/96 - 3/12/08 ~~Together again~~

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