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Are Your Greys Having Medical Problems?

Are your greys currently having medical problems?  

471 members have voted

  1. 1. No, no problems whatsoever with my grey(s).

    • Yes, one or more is having a minor problem.
    • Yes, one or more is having major problems.
    • Yes, one or more is Special Needs.
    • Multiple dogs, multiple types of problems.
    • Other
  2. 2. Are those problems ongoing or temporary?

    • No problems
    • Ongoing
    • Temporary
    • Both (multiple hounds, multiple types of problems)
    • Other

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Guest Fool4Greys

I voted multiple hounds with major ongoing problems.


My oldest Emma has cancer. Chloe the second youngest has low thyroid, epilepsy and Poly-Cystic Kidney disease. I know their diseases will take both of them. :angry:


The other 4 are healthy! :yay



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Guest KennelMom

Just an update...Harmony did have her tail amputated :( She had the surgery Monday and is doing very well in her recovery. Other than that, everyone is still the same.


My beautiful Tiffany has an aggressive histiocytoma. :( We don't know how much longer we will have her.


I'm so sorry :(:grouphug

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Guest MyTwoGreys

I'm new to Greytalk but was hoping that someone out there may be able to help me. We adopted our second grey in March and she had a red, irritated elbow. I took her to the vet for an initial appointment and they did a skin scraping. No mites were found. They prescribed Anamax (sp) cream. We tried that, no change. Next step was 2 weeks of antibiotics. No change. Third time at the vet two more skin scrapings were done, again not mites. So the vet prescribed an antihistamine and a steroid spray. Again, no change. Her elbow is bright red and very irritated. I've covered it with a sock but she chews it off. I'm not sure what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm new to Greytalk but was hoping that someone out there may be able to help me. We adopted our second grey in March and she had a red, irritated elbow. I took her to the vet for an initial appointment and they did a skin scraping. No mites were found. They prescribed Anamax (sp) cream. We tried that, no change. Next step was 2 weeks of antibiotics. No change. Third time at the vet two more skin scrapings were done, again not mites. So the vet prescribed an antihistamine and a steroid spray. Again, no change. Her elbow is bright red and very irritated. I've covered it with a sock but she chews it off. I'm not sure what to do next. Any help would be appreciated.


maybe if you can post this as a topic you could get some help or ideas or at least tons of support. I don't have any advice or anything but send lots of positive thoughts for you and your grey. Prayers.



Pam with greys Avril, Dalton & Zeus & Diddy the dachshund & Miss Buzz the kitty

Devotion, Jingle Bells, Rocky, Hans, Harbor, Lennon, NoLa, Scooter, Naomi and Scout at the bridge

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Guest metgirl23

Tucker- at the Bridge-- had pancreatic insuffiency syndrome..$100 of meds monthly and died of Osteo at 8


Caelan- at the Bridge- hyprothyroid , babesia and died at 10 of kidney failure which I believed to be cause by the babesia..He was very healthy until the last 6 months of his life.


Cheyenne- currently 8.-healthly and only goes to vet for shots and cuts..


Sage- healthly other than having toe dislocate and eventually have to have toe amputated and take over 6 months to heal..


Storm- believed to have tick disease . waiting for results of Erlichois and Babesios test.. has high liver function levels on blood work and reoccuring lethargy and fever.


I think a lot of these dogs have undiagnosed tick diseases.. a lot of vets dont really look into if they not in a region with a lot of tick cases so are unfamiliar with symptoms and treatments. I believe Caelan would still be here if not of his tick disease..

Generally I think if tick diseases are tested for and treated appropiately from the beginining a lot of the other health problem would be eliminated.

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Guest ProudGreyMom

Nothing super serious thank goodness. Jake has kidney troubles that we manage with diet and monitor with bloodwork. Andy has a chronic ear infection but I keep it clean and check it regularly and he's good.

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Guest graureiter

Beamer and Hunter have had no health problems, except a dental for Beamer, since they came to us. One and a half years for Beamer and a half year for Hunter .

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  • 1 month later...
Guest PennysMom

Hi! Does anyone remember Penny B? Well, Mom is now in sad shape because she needs a bilateral TKR~too bad, too, because Pen Pen is back to her old self (Praise be to her doctors, techs, meds, and all your prayers, support, and whatever else I have forgotten) which means I cannot run with her...long story short, she has rebounded to her "old" personality; eating us out of house and home-gained all 10+ pounds she lost; barking/talking; running in circles; and, we cannot help but remember how it was when we did not know what would happen. She is still sick with GME; will never recover, only be able to manage it, but please remember her and send white light for all of us! Go Grey Penny Team!!!!!


I have to send praises to Carolina Veterinary Specialists, Charlotte NC and Dr. Bob Bergman, her doctor, for all he has done! He is a gem of a person and one heck of a doctor. Without him, well, I don't want to think about it. Anyone who lives in that area and may have neuro problems, get the referral and go there. 704-904-5608. Sharon

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I have three greys.

Brilly has some D right now. I hope and assume that we'll eventually get that figured out: temporary. He does have pretty crappy teeth, despite brushing every day, and rinsing with CET rinse. sigh He did break a toe, last year, but that's fine, now, too.


Wabi: Special needs ... but not very. She just hops along happily, snuffily, apparently in no pain (despite arthritis, for which she gets glucosamine and chondroitin). She did have some little abcesses on her feet a few weeks ago, but they disappeared, finally. Never did figure those out. Her endurance isn't as great as the other dogs, but hey, that's alright; we just don't take her as far.


Pogo: Special needs? His chomped nose keeps us all awake, some nights, and that's permanent, but other than that, he's as healthy as the proverbial horse! He also had the abcesses on his feet, but they're gone now, too.

Edited by Xan


My Inspirations: Grey Pogo, borzoi Katie, Meep the cat, AND MY BELOVED DH!!!
Missing Rowdy, Coco, Brilly, Happy and Wabi.

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Guest GreytfullDad

Tasha 10, has some hip/back issues, currently doing chiro for that.


Sheana 4, has some occaissional inontinance.


Otherwise all healthy except for the occassional cut, scrape & puncture etc

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Saint is are only one with an ongoing medical condition and that's Epilepsy. Heart had heartworms but was successfully treated. Everyone else has been really healthy.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Trudy has an allergy of some kind that the vet cant' seem to figure out. Grass allergy probably, but she seems to cope with it just fine. She does lick her feet constantly it seems and makes them raw and red. No pain however. Any suggestions?

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Apart from my nearly 10 years old male 'Ivy' having a bit of arthrosis in one hind leg (due to a former ligament tear),

Soldi and Ivy don't have any medical problems...(at the moment!!!!)


user posted imageuser posted image

Marion, Ivy & Soldi


Perseverance is not a long race...

it is many short races one after another.

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Guest MountainHounds

Kamin is perfectly healthy. Well, he'll need a dental before long. He did have part of his tail amputated a few years ago due to a bad case of happy tail, but that's really more of an injury than a medical condition. It healed fine and we've had no problems since.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I voted minor, ongoing -- but really, having a 12 year old pup with arthritis in one leg is not serious!! A little glucosamine every day and the leg is almost as good as the other one!

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Shadow came to us with bad gash on his right hind leg. Probably ended his racing days - good for us!

The only problems he gets involve that leg. Dislocated toe and minor scrapes on his shins. Otherwise he is a healthy happy pup who will be six this october.


Robin, Judy, & Shadow

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Guest IndysDad

I'm beginning to think Greys are more "high maintainance" than we're lead to believe...I don't recall nearly as many problems with my Weimaraners... & we bred Weims for 22 years....

Some day I'd like to wake up and have a really healthy Greyhound...

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Guest LindsaySF

I'm considering adopting a Greyhound, and all this medical talk is scaring me. :( So it looks like thyroid issues and seizures are common? And foot issues (abcesses, toe breaks, corns). I would expect arthritis due to injuries or old age, so they don't surprise me. But some of the other problems are surprising because I always read that Greyhounds are very healthy dogs.


My Chows lived to age 13, only problem was arthritis towards the end. Chow/GSD mix lived to 11.5 years, died suddenly of lymphoma, no other health issues.


Current dogs: Cody (beagle/terrier mix) has Diabetes Insipidus, meds cost $100 a month, diagnosis took nearly $1,000. Aidan (Boxer/pit bull mix) has Seasonal Flank Alopecia, but the hair grows back so no meds. I don't know if my wallet can handle more health problems....





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