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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. Oh Misty, I'm glad you're eating, but you need to gain some weight too. and
  2. Thanks Tina. Betsy went there for physio/hydrotherapy for her shoulder.
  3. I'm sorry. I hope he is enjoying the weather.
  4. Pave, you look great! But you'd best leave those stitches in so that you heal quickly.
  5. At about 5:15 tonight, I heard a thin wail--more a cry than a GSOD--and raced upstairs to find Cora struggling to get up. She must have slipped on the hardwood, or on a toy on the hardwood. The others were watching, very keyed up. I tried to lift her, but had to let go so I could stop the argument that Betsy was starting (for the second time in a week, but that's a whole different issue). When I turned back to Cora--less than two seconds later--her rear legs were in the splits, almost froggy doggy. I got her up and walked her forward. She was not using her left rear leg. Not even trying. I called the vet clinic and was told to bring her right in. My regular vet checked her over. The first thing she noticed was that the patella seemed awfully loose. After examining the spine and right leg, she returned to the left, and said she thought that Cora had broken something. Cora was sedated. The x-rays revealed a broken femur (the bone between the hip and knee). The break extends for a few inches on the diagonal. There appears to be enough bone before the joint on each side to permit a plate to be screwed into place. So far, there is no evidence of osteosarcoma. She was a true stoic for the whole process, and only squeaked once or twice, but further diagnostics will require more sedation or a general anesthetic. So she is spending the night at the clinic with an IV, sedation, and a pain patch. The senior vet, an excellent diagnostician who has done a lot of orthopedic work, will continue the evaluation tomorrow. My regular vet is not working, but has promised to come in for the surgery (assuming that there is no OS; Cora is not a candidate for amputation). I'd appreciate any good wishes you can send Cora: first for clarity on whether the bone is healthy and can be fixed. If we go ahead, we'll need your help to get her through the surgery and recovery, especially since the leg that is broken was her good leg. Thank you. I'll update in the morning--probably mid-morning--when I have news. --------------- Update 1, Wed Mar 11 @ 10am: I've spoken to the senior vet twice this morning. During the first call at around 8:15, he said that he didn't see any sign of OS, and thought there was enough bone on either side of the break to make the repair relatively straightforward. He also said that with the muscle mass in a greyhound thigh, and the relatively thin legs (he called them "ballerina legs" ), the torque could easily snap a healthy bone--rather like thoroughbreds snap bones during races. He did have some concerns about changes in her blood values since May 08: a reduction in protein (but the kidney and liver values are fine), and a lower percentage of red blood cells, but did not feel that they justified postponing surgery, which must be timely to be successful. During the second call at around 10, he said that they'd completed the physical examination, and checked the weak right leg (there may be some arthritis in the hip), and not found anything to confound our plans. So, unless I hear from him again very soon, they're going ahead with the repair. --------------- Update 2, Wed Mar 11 @ 2:10pm: There were a couple of mini-updates that I didn't post (10:40am - we're going ahead; 1pm - fragments are lined up and ready for the hardware; both times she was doing well under anesthetic), I heard this from my regular vet at 2:10pm: They were just closing. It was more involved than they expected--more fragments, more muscle damage, and more bleeding --but she's been reassembled with 3 wires, 2 lag screws, and a plate with screws in 8 of the 13 holes. She will probably lose some muscle mass initially, but should recover. She will be in the hospital for a few more days, perhaps until Monday. The next update will be late this afternoon. --------------- Update 3, Wed Mar 11 @ 7pm: At 3:30pm, I took some of Cora's food to the clinic. I saw the post-op x-rays, which are amazing. I'll get some pics of them at some point. I also saw the back part of Cora, who was having her leg washed by one of the vet techs. The incision is quite long and there is a fair bit of bruising, although nothing untoward. Cora was still out; we had to move when she recognized my voice. I spoke to the senior vet, who was pleased with the results of the surgery, and her progress to that point. He said she'll soon be up and putting the leg on the floor, and walking on it by the time she leaves the hospital--in his view, it isn't a successful surgery unless the patient is walking by the time it goes home. At 5:20pm, I heard that she was awake and able to lift her head, but very groggy. At 7pm, I spoke to the senior vet again. He said that she is awake, has had a drink of water, and is resting comfortably. They'll get her up on her feet in the morning. He said that I should be very pleased with and positive about how things have gone. I am. --------------- Update 4, Thur Mar 12 @ 9am: Cora is alert this morning, and has apparently been chatting up a storm to anyone who speaks to her (she's not usually a talker). She has been up and outside--supported--and is putting a bit of weight on the leg. She ate the small meal she was given last night; she had not yet been given her breakfast when I called. All in all, she is doing very well. Jessie and I are out at dog school today, so the next update will be late afternoon or early evening. --------------- Update 5, Thur Mar 12 @ 7:40pm: Cora is doing well. There is some discharge from the wound because of the tissue damage, but overall they are very happy with her progress. She is apparently being quite vocal. I've told the senior vet that if he teaches my quiet girl to be noisy, I'll never forgive him. Despite the talking and singing, he has realized that she is a very very special girl. --------------- Update 6, Fri Mar 13 @ 5pm: Most of this update is on page 6 in post 116. That post includes pics of the x-rays and the patient. The short version is: she's doing great! I went over today and took her for a brief walk. She was not upset by my visit, so I'll go back on Saturday. --------------- Update 7, Weekend Update: I saw Cora three times this weekend: Saturday at 10am, and today at 9am and 12:30pm. Each visit lasted quite a while (at least 45 minutes), and this afternoon's visit included her massage/physio session as well as a walk. Cora continues to do well. She is walking very well indeed. She trots occasionally, but the staff member holding the sling tends to stop this by lifting up. Her range of motion is pretty good: the knee reaches 90 degrees (it should bend almost double, as it does in a sphinx), and she has about half of the lateral movement (lifting the leg out to the side). Her incision is dry, and her thigh is close to its normal size. The swelling now starts just above her hock, and continues down to her toes. Most of her skin is now dry. The weeping had moved lower yesterday, and is now just between her middle toes. The bad news is that she seems uncomfortable: she tends to stand and pant. And her appetite has deteriorated. Friday, she was eating her own kibble. Saturday she needed one of the hospital diets...canned...warmed up...and fed by hand. But this morning she wouldn't even fall for that trick. I did get her to eat some of the treats I keep in my pocket (Merrick Beef Filet Squares--dehydrated lung), but I didn't have enough with me to constitute a meal. I don't know whether the pain got away from them on the patch switch, or the Fentanyl is making her restless, or swollen toes are more uncomfortable than a fat thigh, but it's tough to see. The other bit of bad news is that the original estimated release date of Monday now seems optimistic. It's more likely that she will be home midweek. I sure hope that she is more comfortable by then. I just have to keep reminding myself: it's only been four days since the surgery, she will be coming home (from the time I saw the first x-ray until late Friday, I had real doubts), she's in very good hands, and the staff adores her: as soon as they see me or hear me on the phone, they have to tell me what a wonderful dog she is. She is wonderful. --------------- Update 8, Mon Mar 16 @ 3:30pm: This morning, I spoke to the vet who worked on the weekend and today. She said Cora was much happier this morning--her ears were up more, and she was brighter. The swelling was down about 50% from what it was on the weekend. They found a canned vet food that she is willing to eat. Last night, she went down the steps, with assistance. I went at 2:30 and spent about 40 minutes in the run with her. I thought she seemed quite stressed--standing and panting. But her ears were up more, and she was quite bright, and she was very interested in the noises from elsewhere in the clinic. Plus, her food bowl was empty and I saw her have a good drink. The swelling, which started above her hock yesterday, now starts below it. I think there is less seepage from between her toes. She very much enjoyed the 3 or 4 Beef Squares that I had with me. While I was there, she gradually relaxed, stopped panting, and curled up beside me. And I gradually realized that it wasn't my magic touch: there was a direct correlation between her edginess and the noise from the next run. The border collie in that run, who has a horrible infection in his butt (possibly a ruptured anal gland) and a tail that is 3/4 dead, is pretty anxious. Fortunately, he is quieter when there isn't anyone in or near the runs. The current expectation is that she'll be home tomorrow or Wednesday. --------------- Update 9, Tues Mar 17 @ 4pm: Well, it wasn't today. They decided that they'd like to let the Fentanyl patch run out, and make sure that they have the pain under control when it does. I'm not too thrilled, but I've been saying all along that they should keep her until they're sure that she's ready, so I can hardly argue now. When I got there just after 3, she still hadn't finished her breakfast (kibble mixed with canned). I got her to eat a bit of the kibble by alternating it with bits of Beef Square. When I left 50 minutes later, they were going to try a different canned food for her dinner. She was quieter today, perhaps because the border collie was in surgery to amputate his tail. A new resident--a pit bull cross who had had knee surgery--sounded like a moose, but it didn't seem to bother her as much as the BC's yelps. The swelling is almost gone, and they're very pleased with her progress, so they're expecting that tomorrow will be the big day. --------------- Update 10, Wed Mar 18 @ 5pm: She's Home!!!!!!! The news and a few pics are on page 9, post 170.
  6. I'm so sorry. He was a very handsome boy. Godspeed Bullet.
  7. Congratulations!!! and Congratulations!!!
  8. I'm so sorry. Godspeed Ecstacy.
  9. I am so very sorry. Your precious girl left far too soon. Godspeed Polli.
  10. Ouch! It's great that she's home, and I hope that she feels better ASAP.
  11. What a sad story. I'm glad she did find a good place with Barb; I wish it could have lasted longer. Godspeed Eva.
  12. Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally some good news for you. I hope she's now heading home with Kari, and that the time until she returns home to you passes quickly.
  13. GreyPoopon


    I'm so sorry. Godspeed Phoenix.
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