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Everything posted by GreyPoopon

  1. I'm so very sorry. You have written a fine memorial to your handsome boy. Godspeed Crisco.
  2. Poooopeeeessss!! Congratulations! Two pooooppeees at once: you deserve a special award for bravery.
  3. Yup. I did that for the first few days. I had the harness on Cora 24/7 so I could catch and steady her when she got up, and added the sling for the ramp, stairs, and pottying. When she could stand up without staggering, I took the harness off and just used the sling. When she got steadier still, I switched to the harness, put on as needed. If you're tall/strong enough, you can use the harness to carry the dog as a suitcase. I'm not quite strong enough to lift 66 lbs right off the ground with one arm. I meant to mention in my previous post: here's the PetPlace stuff on FCE: FCE. I don't know how many variations there are of spinal stroke; I don't suppose it matters much in terms of what you have to do to support him as he recovers.
  4. It does look like Metacam is the likely suspect, but it's odd that (if I understand correctly) she tolerated it previously. On the previous occasion(S), was she on it long? At the same dosage? Has anything else changed?
  5. Cora had a one-sided FCE (Fibrocartilaginous Embolic Myelopathy or Fibrocartilaginous Embolism) which affected the back leg more than the front. It occurred just 3 months after she'd broken the other back leg, so she was basically a one-legged dog for a time. Since his back end is gone, you'll need a sling. I got a fairly inexpensive adjustable one from my vet. When Cora was stronger, I switched to a harness (the Ruffwear Webmaster), which is easier on the human but doesn't support the dog's back end as well as the sling. Cora too had deep pain response and some movement and the vet was encouraging. She has made a remarkable recovery--almost 100%. As I understand it, the causes of FCE are unknown, and recurrence is unlikely.
  6. IMHO, if he was doing well before the antibiotics, the last thing you should be doing is changing his food. What works for one IBD dog does not necessarily work for another. If I gave Minnie (IBD X 2 diagnosed 7 1/2 yrs ago) the I/D that SoulsMom uses or the talapia that RobinM has fed, she'd end up with HGE. If you want to add fiber, other choices include beet pulp, bran buds, or pumpkin. Another option is probiotics, although I've found that what suits one dog may make another worse. I've also had some success with allergy tests, but a lot of vets don't like them, and they probably wouldn't help with the immediate problem in any event. I hope you can find some answers.
  7. I'm so very sorry. Godspeed Tarmac.
  8. I'm using Propralin, which seems to have the same active ingredient (phenylpropanolamine), for Cora and Jessie. Works like a charm. Piper won't eat it (it's a liquid that's put on food), and it messes up Minnie's digestive tract (she's IBD), but the two who are on it are doing well. Just as an aside, Minnie's spotting is far worse when she eats snow, and was very bad indeed when she was on prednisone; Piper's is worse when she has a UTI. If the problem is a weak sphincter, and the dog is full, there is more likely to be a puddle.
  9. Betsy is going through this. It seems to be some sort of reaction to grass, or perhaps to the various fungi on it. It's worse when the grass is damp. At the suggestion of her vet, I've got her on Benadryl, which is helping. I'm using 50mg 3X/day, which the vet says is at the low end of the dosage range. It's enough for dry days but not for wet. This is the first year that Betsy has had the problem, although she does have a perpetually itchy back.
  10. that there is nothing of interest on the x-rays, and that Riley will feel better soon.
  11. I'm sorry. I hope she heals quickly and well. Cora broke her left femur in March. It has not been fun.
  12. GreyPoopon


    I'm so very sorry. I'm glad she found her home. I wish she could have stayed longer. Godspeed Sugar.
  13. I'm so very sorry. You wrote a lovely tribute to a boy who was not with you long enough. Godspeed Sly.
  14. What a wonderful story. Congratulations to you and especially to Mrs. T!
  15. I am so very sorry. I don't have any answers. Only tremendous sympathy... Godspeed Sly.
  16. I'm sorry. My sympathies to all who knew and loved her. Godspeed Susie.
  17. I'm sorry. I hope he has lots of good days left. [Aside: You have to be a GT Supporter to edit the topic title.]
  18. Just one thing to add to the good advice you've received already: if you give a bit of fluid, and that doesn't stay down either, don't give them anything for a time, and watch carefully for dehydration. One of mine got to the point where her system was rejecting anything. After a weekend of that, she needed a day at the clinic with sedation and IV fluids. I don't know if she would have been better off if I hadn't kept trying to get water into her, but she sure wouldn't have been worse off if I'd stopped.
  19. I'm so very sorry. I'm glad he found you for his last months. Godspeed George.
  20. He's very handsome. Congratulations!!
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