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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm sorry sorry to hear this news. OS is SUCH a monster. Prayers for much more quality time with your precious boy, and may you keep him feeling comfortable as long as possible. Cherish all your time together...
  2. So glad to hear your sweet fella is doing better. Sending him more light and kisses.
  3. Oh no... What part of his back is affected? If it's the neck, do you have a harness for leash walking/potty breaks? Keeping Chase in my prayers for full recovery.
  4. Yep, baby oil or mineral oil will work it loose.
  5. I'm sorry your boy is in the hospital and hurting. Sending lots of prayers and light to all of you. I SO hope it's not OS.
  6. Geez... I'm just heartbroken to hear your news. I've been through OS with three of my hounds, and experienced the lower leg swelling as the lymph system failed during the last stages of OS, when the microfractures started occuring higher up. That was the sign that it was time to say goodbye. My heart goes out to you and your family and my prayers are with you and your precious boy.
  7. iluvgreys


    Oh no... I'm so sorry it was time for him to go. Such a beloved hound who will be sorely missed. Godspeed, precious Vinnie...
  8. Wonderful that he's home! Give that sweet boy some 's from us.
  9. I'm very sorry to hear your news. OS is SUCH a monster... I found Circle of Greys to be very helpful when I went through this with Derby last year. My prayers are with you for much more quality time with Harley, whatever course of action you choose.
  10. You know what's best for your boy... and I'm sure it's hard not to be there. Keeping the prayers and light flowing to your precious boy for a smooth and easy recovery.
  11. iluvgreys


    I'm very sorry for your loss. No matter how much time we have, it's never enough. Godspeed, precious Mustard...
  12. iluvgreys

    Lady Jane Grey

    A very touching tribute to a unique girlie that stole your heart and bed. She will guide you in the choice of a new companion for Jax, and will live on in your memories, safe within your heart space.
  13. What a touching tribute to your best boy. I'm so very sorry it was time for him to go. May you be comforted by your happy memories of Lenny... and know that he's just a whisper away.
  14. Heartbreaking... Sending light and prayers to Echo and her family.
  15. Glad you've reached a decision. Sending prayers and light to all involved for a smooth and easy surgery, and uneventful recovery. Get plenty of rest and lots of kisses to your handsome boy from his fans.
  16. It's so great to see him looking happy and active! He's got such a strong spirit to live well. Blessings to you for giving him that chance.
  17. I think I asked this question before, but is there any chance your boy was exposed to Valley Fever or any of the other fungal diseases? If so, I'd rule that out with a test first. I think it's about $125 for a panel, and is just a blood test, not a biopsy.
  18. I"m sorry your boy is hurting. What dosage of Tramadol did you give him, and how much does he weigh?
  19. Hope it's just something minor that rest will heal. Keeping Laddie in my prayers.
  20. Keeping you and Dempsey in my prayers for MUCH more quality time together.
  21. Oh no... I'm so sorry you lost your sweet boy. My heart aches for you. He was dearly loved and cherished. Godspeed, precious Dear...
  22. I'm so very sorry to hear your news. OS is a particularly nasty cancer to fight, and since it's already metastisized to her lungs, there's not much that can help. Spoil her rotten... feed whatever she loves, spend as much time with her as possible, take lots of pictures, manage the pain with effective doses of meds, and cherish every minute you have with her. Be strong in her presence, and cry when she can't see or hear you. These puppers are so very sensitive, and you don't want to worry her any more than necessary. Pebbles lives in the present only, and doesn't see what's ahead. Keeping you both in my prayers for comfortable days ahead and much more quality time with your baby girl.
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