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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. Finnian has stepped up his counter surfing lately, since scoring some bread and a bag of bagels. So, we laid a trap for him. Put several empty soda cans and a couple with coins in them connected with strings on the back of the counter. Then made a small sandwich with peanut butter... laid the strings in the middle and set the sandwich at the edge of the counter. It took two days for him to snag the bait, but the sound was frightful and he's not surfed since. I have a sneaky suspicion that we'll need to do this again, maybe in a month or two.
  2. Emily, I'm so very sorry for the loss of your sweet baby boy. Godspeed, precious Riley...
  3. How scary for you and Shadow. Glad there's no break. Hopefully with quiet rest, leash walking for potty breaks, and lots of lovin', he'll heal up just fine.
  4. Great update! We're pullin' for you, Milo.
  5. Welcome to GT! Now we need some pics of your baby girl...
  6. Thank you for sharing your story. It's a timely reminder! I'm guilty of leaving a full bottle of Ibuprofen within Finnian's reach... all too often. That will now change. Thankfully your boy pulled through this ordeal. Hugs to all.
  7. My deepest condolences to you. She was lucky to share your home and heart in her last years, and will never be forgotten. Godspeed, sweet baby...
  8. Sending prayers and light to your sweet Milo, to help him through this crisis.
  9. Oh geez... Hope it's not OS. My understanding is that OS mostly hits the long bones, such as either end of the femur, rather than the pelvic bone.
  10. My heart is breaking for you. Sending lots of prayers and light, for the highest good of all concerned.
  11. Sending prayers for an easy surgery and uneventful recovery.
  12. I'm so sorry for your loss. Godspeed, precious CJ...
  13. I'm very sorry you lost your puppers to that monster. Truly heartbreaking. Know that they're running like the wind with their new angel pals, and will live on forever in your heart.
  14. Oh no... I'm so very sorry. Godspeed, sweet Chance... go run like the wind with the angels.
  15. I'm very sorry for the loss of your mother, Donna. It's bittersweet that you and Daisy were able to bring comfort to the Mitz's family.
  16. My deepest condolences to you and your DH. Godspeed, precious Smiley... the angels await you.
  17. That's a fabulous ramp your DH is building! An extra day at OSU will give you and your DH a chance to get some much-needed rest before Smiley comes home. Holding your dear boy in my prayers for a restful night and excellent days ahead.
  18. Years ago, I put in a dog door, and the indoor cat was the first to master it. She disappeared several days later, after initially just exploring the patio, and was never found. I wouldn't take that chance again.
  19. Excellent news! What a trooper Miss Star is.
  20. So glad your baby boy is doing well! Hopefully he'll be coming home soon and will continue his steady progress.
  21. My heart is with you. Smiley is in the best possible hands, and should do great with the surgery. Holding him, his loving family and all the vet staff in my prayers.
  22. I'm so sorry. Holding your precious girl in my prayers for much more quality time with you.
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