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Everything posted by iluvgreys

  1. I'm so very sorry you have to go through this with your baby girl. Remember, she doesn't know she's sick. Good pain mngt. is critical so she's as comfortable as possible. Love that pic of the scary girl in the big chair. What a precious soul she is. Cherish every moment with her.
  2. Holding Choo Choo in my prayers for an easy dental.
  3. Welcome to GreyTalk, Kevin Z. I have several of your pieces and love your art!
  4. Many prayers for your baby girl to breeze through surgery, with an uneventful recovery.
  5. I'm so very sorry for your sudden loss. I can't begin to imagine how heart breaking that would be. Godspeed, sweet boy...
  6. I'm sorry you have to deal with this disorder. I know a couple from SoCal that was able to get their grey to put his paws up on a high counter and eat from a bowl (some greys would be more than happy to do this! ). It was adequate to position him properly for swallowing. Sending prayers and light to you and your baby girl.
  7. I'm so very sorry. Holding you and Lucky in the light, knowing that decisions like this are made with the highest good of all concerned.
  8. Prayers that it's just something simple... Prayers that it's just something simple...
  9. iluvgreys


    Poor lil' baby girl. Breaks my heart. Godspeed, sweet Venus... go run like the wind with the angels.
  10. I'm very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Skipper...
  11. iluvgreys


    My deepest condolences to you. He was an extraordinary companion. Godspeed, sweet Sobe...
  12. Oh dear. So very sorry your girlie is having to go down this road. Sending loads of prayers and light her way.
  13. What a handsome senior he is. Welcome to your forever home, Roscoe.
  14. iluvgreys


    I'm sorry for your loss, DeVon. Biscuit was a beloved companion and will live on forever in your heart. Godspeed, sweet girlie...
  15. iluvgreys


    I'm sorry you lost your little girl. Godspeed, sweet Bella. Go find your greyhound pals and run with the angels.
  16. My cat's food and litter box is kept in a bathroom, protected by a baby gate. Cat food + gh = Big D around here.
  17. Welcome back, Karen! I remember some of your stories from years ago.
  18. Sending prayers and light for your baby girl. :light
  19. iluvgreys

    Murphy Moo

    I'm so sorry you lost your best boy. What a heart warming tribute you wrote. He will live on forever in your heart, just a whisper away in spirit. Godspeed, sweet Murphy Moo...
  20. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Wilbur was a cherished companion and soul mate. Know that he'll forever live on in your heart, where love thrives.
  21. 2 yr. olds can have LOTS of energy. :rolleyes: Enjoy his happiness and maybe walk him a little longer.
  22. Such sad news. So very sorry for your loss. Godspeed, sweet Monarch...
  23. Congrats on chipping! Especially a sweet black girlie... Where ARE those pics?
  24. That's an excellent update! Continued prayers for your dear boy.
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