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Everything posted by Greylover97

  1. If you keep picking at it or the scab keeps getting rubbed off, then they take longer to go away.
  2. Jake gets that from time to time. Just let it be and it will go away in a few weeks.
  3. Shouldn't be a problem. Jake's food is also wet down with water, if he doesn't touch it at all in the morning, I give it to him for dinner. Never had any tummy issues.
  4. Your crew is stunning! I love the black hounds. Hello from Trenton.
  5. The last few months Carolina and Jake have been the same way. Just really soft poo. It is always the day after the Heartguard Plus. Never had any issues before, I wonder if they might have changed something in the med.
  6. I requested from the vet a supply of the panacur for Jake too. It is better to be safe then sorry.
  7. If it's not bleeding you are in the clear. Just keep it clean and put a sock or bootie on her until the new pad firms up.
  8. In my experience even Heart Guard Plus isn't fail safe. Carolina still managed to pick up hookworms even on Heart Guard Plus.
  9. This bites. I'm so sorry Bev and Marc. Prayers continue for Wallace.
  10. I thought normal creatine in greyhounds went up to 1.8 or 1.9.
  11. Sounds like it might be an ear infection since the benedryl did nothing for her.
  12. If you don't have ear cleaner you can use half and half of white vinegar and water. Ear gunk depends on the hound. Carolina's ears are gunk city and Jake doesn't usually have any.
  13. Carolina had a mass removed from her right front shoulder today. Her shoulder is all stitched up. She loves to lay on her right side. Anytime she lays flat on that side she starts rubbing her shoulder intentionally against the bed or the carpet. It isn't an area that can be wrapped up. Any suggestions for protecting the stitches? TIA
  14. Carolina had a vet appointment on Wednesday of last week to check her ear and for the vet to look at a growth on her shoulder. The ear issue turned out to be the start of an ear infection. The vet doesn't know what the growth is but it is on the skin. So tomorrow Carolina will have the growth removed and sent off to biopsy it. She will also have her teeth cleaned while she is under. If you could spare any positive thoughts that everything will go well tomorrow and the growth turns out to be nothing it would be greatly appreciated.
  15. Set up a safe place for her. Carolina usually goes for the bathroom or hops up on the couch and gets into a tiny ball.
  16. Thanks for the update Judy. Positive thoughts continue for Emmy. Hugs for everyone. ETA: Would your vet be willing to give her antibiotics without seeing her first?
  17. He looks great! My bridge girl Kira was a true couch potato; all the pictures I have of her were laying down.
  18. When Jake has his tail amputated he went bandage free. Give this other vet a try. Every dog has a tail and I'm sure he has seen many dogs with broken tails. You don't need a grey savvy vet to deal with a broken tail and some vet wrap. If it comes to the point that the tail can't be saved then by all means go back to your normal vet for the surgery.
  19. The vet won't be able to do anything except wrap it. Just keep it clean. If she keeps bothering it, stick a dog bootie or a child's sock on her foot. Soon enough that pink flesh will harden up and become the pad.
  20. Since you can get him in, will your vet at least fill a prescription for an antibiotic?
  21. Ditto! Positive thoughts on the way for Andy!
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