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Everything posted by brindlebaby

  1. Chris, that's awesome news about Dude!!! So happy to hear a good update for Curtis too!!! I hope the yelping is nothing serious and goes away quickly.
  2. I haven’t been on in awhile and wanted to catch up with everyone. I so sad to hear about the loss of Howard and Tiny. I’m confident they are watching over their families from above. I’m happy to hear Joe, Gracy, Charlie, Lucy and Dude are doing well. (Please forgive me if I’ve forgotten anyone.) I'm so sorry to hear that Greta and Curtis have osteo. I’m sorry you had to join this thread, but glad you found this support. I know it’s really helped me! My Callie had her right front leg amputated January 13, 2011 (after breaking the night of Jan. 10). She was in the hospital a total of 4 nights and 5 days after amputation. We saw her the second day and she was so out of it she just stared straight ahead, but by the 5th day, she was ready to come home. She broke her leg on a Monday evening and didn’t eat again until the next Monday evening once she got home from the hospital. We got an air mattress for her to put in the living room, but she got up that night and took herself to her own bed in our bedroom. Callie turned 12 a month and a half after her surgery. Callie is doing pretty well. She had her third chemo last Friday with a normal chest x-ray!! (waiting for those results are the ABSOLUTE WORST, I work myself up so much I could throw up!) She is scheduled for her 4th treatment May 6. We too are wondering about doing 6 treatments. The oncologist said that she usually does four, but isn’t opposed to giving Callie six, especially since she has handled them so well. I want to give her the best chance possible, even if we have to pay for the last two treatments. (Did someone mention that OSU will only provide 4 treatments?) Regarding the tick/flea treatments while on chemo… I’m not sure. We took our GSD Sammie to the vet on Wednesday evening for her shots and Callie came along to visit since her regular vet hasn’t seen her since she had her amp. We got flea/tick meds for Sam and Pixie (our other grey), but our vet said we better not give it to Callie right now. (I guess I can also with the oncologist – she’s at another hospital.) Oh, almost forgot! Callie has always had a scab where her leg was… it didn’t dawn on me to ask why she still has a scab after 3 months. The oncologist said she still had a staple there! She said it wasn’t all the way in, but probably was a little irritating to Callie. The site looks 100% better! All her hair has grown back from the surgery, it just seems finer and a little lighter… her skin is really flaking there though. Is that from the chemo? I’m going to try and keep more active… was off work one week sick and thought I was better, but woke up three mornings dizzy. Actually drove to work (just tried not to change lanes), but by Thursday was vomiting and holding onto the walls when I walked. Had a doctor’s appointment Friday morning the same time as Callie’s second chemo (so I missed it going with her ). I’m all better now, just a little behind. (well more than usual )
  3. I'm sorry I missed this about James, but glad to hear he is doing well. Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I noticed that certain parts of Callie's back legs would twitch (like an exagerated heartbeat) when she was in the hospital. I noticed while she was getting discharged and asked and the tech gave me some explanation about the muscles, forgot exactly what she said, but it made sense at the time. Callie has always shivered, not constant, but just like a person would do if they suddenly got a chill. After his body going through the trauma of the surgery and with the anesthesia and narcotics, maybe that is just part of the body's recovery process. to you and James!
  4. I haven't been on in awhile, have been off work all week with some kind of bronchitis-ey thing. I'm so sad to hear about Wonder. You are in my thoughts and prayers. : I'm sorry Lucy and Tiny are having some problems. Keeping them and their worried families in my thoughts and hope they're feeling better soon. Callie has been doing pretty well. I was home alone with her yesterday and was still sick. Instead of getting dressed and taking her out front to go potty, I let her out back (against my better judgement, I might add) and watched in horror as she promptly fell and rolled on her side and struggled to get back. I ran frantically ran outside (screaming a few choice words at myself ) in a long t-shirt and tried to calm her down. I was thinking the worse, that she broke one of her back legs. I actually was able to pick her up myself, but couldn't get enough momentum to carry her up the stairs to the deck (the walk is on a hill). Once I got her inside and found out that she was alright, except for a small cut on one of her back feet (toes) and some mud on her hiney, did I breathe again. I'm sure if any of the neighbors saw (or heard) me, they'd think I'm quite mad (I'm sure they already do). Herman has said that he sometimes lets Callie go potty out back and she does greyt. He neglected to tell me that he's right by her side and she's on leash. I told him no more, please keep taking her out front. (the ground is level and doesn't have random holes from Pixie and Sam). Anyway, Callie went to get her second chemo today. They did a blood test and brought her out to wait because they were full in the back. The oncologist came out and said that her WBC are too low (or right on the cusp or border <--can't remember the exact word), but she said she won't have chemo today. She said some may still do chemo, but she's a wimp and doesn't want Callie to get sick. (does that make sense?) She said we can wait a week and do it next Friday. She said that since her WBC are obviously sensitive to the chemo, she's hoping the cancer is too. (I hope that makes sense, I didn't write it down when she told me!) She said that from now on Callie will get the chemo every 4 weeks. (I hate to wait that long in between, but she knows better than I. ) I also asked about her weight and she actually GAINED a pound since she was there 3 weeks ago. She is almost up to 56. Her actual birthday was Monday and being sick, I missed it. Herman's birthday was yesterday, but we're celebrating it next Friday night at our house so she'll have a second party. (she also celebrated a couple weeks ago at my bd dinner at my brother's house) That's alright, she deserves it and now Pixie, Sam and Kitten can join in. What a face! Oh my! How don't you melt every time you look at him? Callie says Dude has bedroom eyes (she learned that expression from her grandma).
  5. Dude and Lucy (but practicing medicine without a license is a no-no ) Callie continues to do very well. Herman took her to the oncologist office on Friday to get a CBC done and results were everything was normal and they said to return in two weeks for her second chemo. She did have a weird "episode" yesterday and I was one minute from rushing her to the hopsital. It was like she had something in her throat, but her whole body was heaving. Reminded me of an asthma attack in people. It was nice out so we did have the windows open (weird since it was in the teens a couple of weeks ago) and I thought maybe it could of been an allergic reaction?? I closed the windows and put on the A/C for a bit and she calmed down and has been fine since. (I know I'm all sneezing, hacking and all stopped up with sinuses now.) Hoping it was just something tickley caught in her throat that's passed. She also has lost quite a bit of weight... I notice you said Lucy is too skinny. Callie used to weigh in the high 70's (she's been big for a girl, not fat, just big) and gradually she went down to around 68 (I was told they lose weight as they age), where she was when she had her amputation. After the amp she was at 55 pounds, but I think she has lost more. (Will try and get a number today so I can tell the oncologist when I call tomorrow.) Her ribs are really pronounced. I've heard that they will gain weight once the chemo is over, but I don't think she can last that long if she continues to lose. Her appetite is excellent - eats everything with gusto. She is on Pro Plan kibble... what is a better low carb option of kibble that would also be high calorie (that's what I want, isn't it?)? Also is there some kind of supplement they could start her on to keep her weight on? After looking at her before bed, I cried myself to sleep. She's so skinny, I think she's thinner than Pixie and Pixie's a twig!
  6. Gracy and Dude!!! Regarding Lucy, as the others have said, try not to dwell on what you can't change. I too was worrying because Callie was limping in December. When we took her in, I told the vet that I was worried she had bone cancer. She said that if it is bone cancer, I will know. (Well apparently I did know, but she didn't!) The limp went away with the pain meds, but the plan was if they didn't, we would proceed with x-rays. Callie ended up breaking her leg on January 10 and I hate that happened and she was in so much pain, but maybe in the long run that helped speed things up. Her limp went away with the pain meds, so who knows how long this would of went on before we found out the diagnosis. Maybe then it would of been too late to get an amputation, to start chemo, etc. I'm only going on by how Callie was acting when she had the start of an infection, but do you think something such as an infection is going on with Lucy. Callie too cried even before I touched her, like she was bracing herself because she knew it was going to hurt. She acted depressed too. If not an infection by the incision, maybe some sort of infection inside?? Just can't get Lucy and you out of my mind and am worrying as if she were my own. Would it be possible to get some bloodwork done soon to see if she does have an infection of some sort?? to you and your precious little Lucy. You are both defintely in my thoughts and prayers tonight, as is everyone on here. :hope :hope
  7. I'm at work so can't post long, but wanted to know how is Lucy feeling today. Dude!!! Praying you get your chemo tomorrow.
  8. Do opossums get rabies? I didn't think they did. Oops, just looked it up and they can, but it's EXTREMELY RARE...I'm not shouting, they put it in caps. RIP little possum. : Hope your grey's cut heals quickly and all goes well with the shelter.
  9. I'm sad to read this! I hope Lucy feeling better today. Please give Lucy from us and for you too! I am glad to hear Tiny is more comfortable now. I hope the swelling it just from his zoomies and will go away quickly. I feel the same was about Callie, if she breaks another leg, I don't even want to say it. I have had those dreams too, they're awful. I had the same feelings about the delay in getting Callie's first chemo done. Hoping Dude gets that drain out soon and can get that first chemo treatment over with. Oh Kari, I'm so sorry. Wonder is very handsome. I choose to think it's a light of comfort, his guardian angel. Callie did have her first chemo on Friday and she and I came home and zonked out until around 8pm. No changes in appetite and in good spirits, but the vet did say that around the 3rd or 4th or 4th or 5th day after, I forget which, she may get some nausea. We have some meds just in case. So far our regular vet and the oncologist are really good about making sure we have drugs on hand "just in case" Callie needs them. It's my birthday Tuesday so my brother and SIL invited us over for dinner last night. We wouldn't leave Callie home alone so we took her with us...since her 12th birthday is on February 28th, we celebrated hers too. She was the perfect guest! I took along her new bed that I bought at Bluegrass TWO YEARS AGO and just found it! It's REALLY REALLY comfy and she laid right down. Let's get this party started... I can't make a wish if you don't light my candle! Enough with the pictures, bring on the presents! This looks scrumptious! Nom Nom Nom Callie all partied out..... Hope all our pups have a good week and Dude gets his drain out and his first chemo!
  10. Callie's chest x-ray and blood test is normal!!
  11. At hospital with Callie waiting for results of her blood test to see if chemo is a go or no. Oncologist just came out and said they're also going to do a chest x-ray since the last one was a month ago....oh God.
  12. Loved reading the happy update on Lucy!! Hope her tummy feels better. Finally got the OSU bit resolved. I called up there myself (I was leary since it kind of specified that number for a vet), but was so relieved to finally talk to someone. I started to explain my tale of woe to a nice and patient man and then started crying like a weirdo After taking mine and Callie's name, he couldn't find any info that the drugs had been sent the week before so he put me straight through to Dr. Marin! She told me they would ship the drugs today. I asked if I could pay to have the sent overnight and she said that won't be necessary, they always send them overnight. She has sent me two follow-up emails, apologized for the inconvenience, told me that the drugs had been sent, how they were sent, what time they should arrive and said to give Callie a hug from her - what an AWESOME LADY!! Drugs should be at the vets by 1030am, so Callie should get her first chemo at 1pm! WHEW, so relieved!
  13. Oh my I'm so sorry for the tragic loss of your beautiful girl Oreo. What a lovely tribute.
  14. Kari I'm so sad to hear about Sparks. Please take care of yourself. I'm so relieved to hear Lucy is doing well! I got Callie in to see the oncologist yesterday regarding the infection incision. She said it was red and warm so she just prescribed antibiotics and gave me another bottle of Tramadol to keep on hand. Her incision kind of hangs, where the leg was. She asked me about it and I said it was like that when she came home. I checked her first thing when I came home from work and she looks a lot better and the incision doesn't seem to be hanging as much...hard to explain. She also met me at the door with a big grin on her face. Regarding the chemo.... I am about to have a meltdown if we can't get this started. The drugs were supposed to be shipped from OSU last Monday (JAN 31) and we had her first chemo treatment scheduled for Friday (FEB 4). No drugs, so the chemo was cancelled. The oncologist is talking about alternating drugs, doing 4 treatments of the carboplatin (which OSU is supposed to be sending) and 4 treatments of the doxy (not sure of spelling). She mentioned about the possible damage to the heart and would give Callie a ultrasound of the heart before treatment. She said that studies do show that there is no benefit of using both, but she thinks there is. <--if I'm understanding her right. I've talked it over with Herman and we want to stick with just the carbo. I emailed Dr. Marin at OSU today asking for her help, telling her about the problems we are having receiving the chemo drugs. I called the hospital here and asked if they've received or heard anything - NO. The technician called me back and said that he keeps trying to call OSU and gets a voicemail, but no one returns the call. He finally found another number and did get in touch with someone who then gave him another number for someone in charge, which went right to voicemail. He told me they re-faxed all of Callie's information to them. The oncologist called me shortly after and said that she too had been trying to get ahold of OSU to inquire where the drugs might be, but hasn't had any luck. She even went exploring on their website. I'm almost positive she called Stephanie Yochum the first time, so I'm not sure what is going on. We also talked about the chemo treatment and she is fine with doing just the carbo, she mentioned that OSU uses one drug or the other, not both. She said we can get started there with the carbo once the infection clears up....which looking at the incision today I think she would be able to get it Friday if we had the drug. I hate to pay $500+ when we can get it for free and save that money for whatever else treatments she needs. Does anyone have the secret code or handshake that we need to get someone from OSU to respond to us?? I'm getting really stressed out over this. I will gladly pay to have it shipped overnight, but who can I talk to? stepping off my now.
  15. I have no answers, only prayers that you find what's wrong and Ranger starts to feel better.
  16. Thank you Kathy, I just went and took some pics to post and I think you're right! I can get a much clearer look on the pictures and it looks way redder and does look infected to me. If it's not infected it looks pretty darn sore. Callie kind of growled at me when I put my hand near it. She NEVER growls at humans so it must really be tender. I hope it's ok to wait until the morning. I'll call first thing and see if they can see her.
  17. I haven't posted in awhile, but usually read from work and end up crying. My sympathies to those who recently suffered a loss or are having a rough time right now. Callie has been doing so well, but when I walked in from work tonight Herman said Callie won't eat and she yiped when I tried to take her out (to go potty). Both are unlike her. I fixed her a cup of food and sat on her bed with her and she ate it right up. She's been off all pain meds since her staples came out two weeks after surgery. I started her back on the Rimadyl and Tramadol tonight. I went to touch her side chest and she jerked, so we figured out something is going on with her incision. It doesn't look infected, but maybe a little redder than usual? Herman seems to think that maybe the sling irritated it. Tonight he took one of her new t-shirts, cut out the arms and a bit from the bottom and made her a little midruff. She did lay on the couch most of the day, I hear. She was scheduled for chemo last Friday (drugs were being shipped from OSU last Monday), but it was cancelled because the drugs didn't arrive in time. I would of gladly paid to have them sent overnight. I called the oncology department today and apparently no one works there on Monday so I will call in the morning. Hopefully the drugs are there waiting for Callie so we can get her first treatment in this week. Does what is going on with Callie's incision sound familiar to anyone? The bottom part is kind of puffed out (hard to explain, but not flat like the top part of the incision...in my opinion it looks like it would be prone to pain...won't post a picture unless someone wants to see it.) I'm wondering if I should put something cool on it?? One bright spot today, Herman keeps asking me what I want for my birthday next week. I wanted something "Callie related"... I found some osteo necklaces that were nice, but I just don't want to wear that word. I had favorited a seller on Etsy last year and went back to her shop and she has a lot of new things. I picked out a necklace that can be customized... I'm getting her pawprint set in sterling and cut into a heart with her name on the back. Necklace Many prayers tonight and tomorrow for Lucy and her family and best wishes to Dude and his family that his first chemo goes well! Praying Sparks (and Kari) has a peaceful night tonight and his appetite returns soon.
  18. brindlebaby


    Oh my. Harley sounds wonderful. My deepest sympathy on the loss of your beautiful boy.
  19. When we had our initial visit with the veterinary specialty services doctor (we already knew Callie had a broken leg and probably osteo at that point from a visit the day before at our regular vet), he too mentioned that she could probably go home the next day. (which kind of shocked me ) I think Cora (TallGreyMom <--I think that's her GT name) told me that if possible have them stay 5 days because the dogs are most at a 6 week point (I can't remember the exact amount of time), but I did want her to stay as long as she could (within reason ). Cora has had at least 6 osteo dogs so she was speaking from comparison with her greys. When I talked to the surgeon the night of Callie's surgery, he said she was still pretty out of it. He thought it was more from the drugs and not the procedure. When I talked to him 2 days after, she still wasn't eating and he wanted us to bring anything to try and tempt her. These two pictures are of Callie 57 hours after surgery - she was pretty much out of it. I felt like we were the Ghosts of Christmas past, seeing her, but she didn't even register we were there. She showed no interest at all in food, her nose didn't even register a twitch or sniff when food was put close to her nose. Callie 57 hours after surgery Callie 107 hours after surgery, the night we brought her home. More alert, sniffing food and eventually eating that evening. When the hospital called to give us our morning Callie update, they asked if we were coming to see her later (we were) and told us that after seeing her, we could take her home if we felt comfortable with it. I hope Lucy has a good experience too. After you visit her, see how she's doing. If you don't feel comfortable just yet, I'm sure they wouldn't mind keeping her another day.
  20. I was thinking that because Callie broke her leg and wasn't showing any symptoms other than a limp right before Christmas that went away with meds could be another reason why she did so well after amputation. I guess It's probably just like anything, people have different results with the same surgery, why not dogs? She had gradually been losing weight though, but I was told that this happens when dogs get older. She weighed 68 before amputation.... but I think her weight was in the 60's when she raced so that wasn't too bad of a weight loss. Thank you from us and Callie for the well wishes.
  21. I am so sickened to hear of the new cases of osteo on here. I think the first week we were in shock, everything was happening so fast. My heart goes out to all these families devastated by this. Callie had her bandage and staples removed on Wednesday. Her incision wasn’t as shocking to me as I was expecting (well maybe just for a teeny second seeing her walk out to us in the lobby from back in the exam room). I think the surgeon did a really good job. We heard from the hospital this morning that OSU will be sending out the chemo drugs on Monday. Our plan is to have Callie’s first treatment on Friday morning. I’m very relieved that this next step is about to start, I was nervous that we weren’t moving fast enough. From reading online and the experiences others have had right after amputation, I consider Callie and us extremely fortunate. Once we got Callie home, she never experienced any reactions from any of the medications or had any mood changes. (just a little tired in the beginning) Once out of the hospital, she hasn’t missed a meal. Perhaps the reasons for this are that she had the surgery very early on a Thursday morning and we didn’t bring her home until Monday evening. I think being in the hospital that long was good. We had a chance to rest up for her homecoming after the initial stress of her surgery and she was in a place where they could monitor her 24 hours. I’ve read where some pups have been discharged the next day which seems way too soon. Seeing Callie on the Saturday after her Thursday morning surgery, she was still so out of it and in no condition to come home. So being a newbie to this, that’s my only recommendation…if at all possible, leave your grey in the hospital for 5 days. Regarding wearing a t-shirt to protect her incision, what is the best to use? The one Callie was wearing got caught on her hiney and she couldn’t get up. It also is kind of tight around her arm when she sleeps and spreads out. I was thinking of buying kid’s oversized t-shirts, unless there’s anything that’s better recommended. I’m so appreciative that this is up here. It’s really sobering to read, but comforting as well.
  22. I posted this in the Osteo thread, but wanted to give you all a quick update on Callie. She's doing amazingly well! She actually ran from me (well trotted fast) as I wanted her to go outside to go potty and she wanted to go to her bed in our bedroom. (it's cold and snowy, maybe that's why ) I look at the pictures on my cell phone of her in the hospital, her chest was beet red and her belly red and irritated. It looks perfect now... is that from taking the Amacar?? She did have a fall Friday night...Herman was sleeping in bed and I fell asleep on the couch. She came from the bedroom and went to the back door where she used to go outside (we now take her the front way, only one step). She peed and then tried to poop and her back legs slid out to either side. I heard the commotion because of Pixie and Sammie alerting me. There was blood on her quilt later and I discovered she skinned her elbow. Since then we are trying to be more attentive of her going out and taking her more often. Sometimes when she pants, I think that means she has to go out instead of being in pain like I thought. If someone is at the door, she gets up and walks to the living room to greet them. Her appetite is still good, woofs down her breakfast and dinner. For the last two days, she has stood to eat (with me standing by her). She seems to swallow better if she stands. My birthday is next month and we are supposed to go over to my brother and SIL's house for dinner, etc. I told them I'd rather have it here, because I don't want to leave Callie alone, especially for that long. They keep saying that's three weeks off. I mentioned tonight that maybe we'll just bring Callie with us, bring along a bed for her and she can come too. Her birthday's February 28th, so we'll make it a joint celebration. I go back to work tomorrow and don't want to leave her. Herman will be with her and two days he can't, my mom will sit with her. Before Callie came home I thought she would lay on the air mattress we put in the front room for her and even questioned the nurse when she was getting discharged how often we had to move Callie. I had no clue she would immediately be getting up and going from room to room, scaring the heck out of us! I'm thrilled she is wants to be independent so quickly, just scares me sometimes! Everytime she gets up, I'll right by her side. She'll be glad I'm going back to work tomorrow. I have a question regarding chemo... how long does it take (like how long are you at the hospital), how do the dog's react, is it hard on them? I'd like to know when I go back to work so I can tell them I need off because I want to be there with her. I'm also going to take off (although they don't know it) when she gets her bandage off this week. HUGE and to all of you... you helped us make well informed decisions for Callie, making sure she got the best care possible. I'm in awe of the greyt wealth of knowledge there is here and those that are so supportive and helpful, it's a Godsend to those who are frantically trying to get any and all information on this devastating disease. With much love and gratitude, Kim & Herman (Callie too!) As I look at Callie tucked in her bed in our bedroom tonight, she seems to be thinking. I wish I knew what, maybe about the past two weeks. I just love my girl so much.
  23. Hi Barbara, welcome! Allstun is handsome, he has gorgeous markings! Where in Missouri are you? I'm in St. Louis. You'll love it on Greytalk! Kim
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