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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. If you have received a package from me (trudy) at Simply Treats... you need to open it when you get it... or put the box in the refrigerator until you want to open it. Supervise if you are letting you dog open it. I do try to remember to put if the package needs supervision (contains chocolate), but sometimes it slips my mind in the chaos of getting them all ready to head to the PO. I'm sending a bunch out on Monday, all are teasers, so they are to be opened when you get them anyway
  2. Oh, your santa is crossing you off the nice list and have moved to the top of the naughty list. Paris on the other hand, is staying on the nice list... Don't worry about it. If they have already ordered you PJs, you can always find a hound that fits and donate them. Worse things have happened.
  3. I don't know which dogs it was for either, but I know who the SS was
  4. Here's my thoughts... if they didn't really want you opening them until Christmas, they wouldn't have been delivered so early
  5. WOW!!! You finally got a package before the holiday!!! It's been a while
  6. It is most frequently found in GSDs, but it is common in other breeds as well. Very much worth looking into.
  7. Is he on any supplements? How were they able to determine he can't break down protein?
  8. I missed the protein blurb. Get thee to a specialist - internal medicine. Ask their vet for a reference or call the nearest vet school to get a name and have their vet make the call and get them squeezed in ASAP.
  9. I was also thinking allergies, even if he is on a bland diet, he could be very allergic to something they are feeding him with that diet. What happens if they withhold food for a day with meds to help with the D - does it get unbloody or firm up at all? It doesn't sound like he can do long without food, but may be worth a try if they give him some IV nutrients.
  10. Ok, you all know it wasn't windy out at all. Bev dragged out this huge fan and really long extension cord for the effect of wind blown hair! That last pic is very cute.
  11. ALL packages have now been matched. I closed the event to new entries.
  12. I can't give any advice about what you have experienced with him, but lots of dogs are on Pb. Normally, the liver adjusts to the Pb and it doesn't often cause problems. It is something to monitor every 6 months or so. Ryan has been on Pb (and KBr) for years and his liver is still perfectly fine. And sadly, MRIs are very expensive - Ryan had one last month and it was $1800. What do they expect to see/look for with an MRI - just a tumor somewhere? If so, what are your treatment options and would you go with any of those options. If so/not, is it worth it to do the MRI?
  13. SS matching is done in rounds... the first mass batch and then depending on how many people are still entering, we do a couple more rounds. We've done 2 rounds total. This will be the last matching this weekend, then we close the event to new entries.
  14. 350... nice even number 347 just doesn't convey the same satisfaction
  15. yeah, try liquid bandaid on yourself before ever thinking of using it on another living creature. I wouldn't use it and if he's not bothering the scratch, I'd just make sure it is clean and leave it be.
  16. There are many many reasons for seizures. None of us here are qualified to tell you that his seizure last night was due to his head shrinking (well, 99.9% of us - and the vets here would need more history). What does your vet think. You know what a dog seizure is now, so if he does have another, it won't be nearly as scary to you. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it unless he has another seizure.
  17. You need to open it now or at least refrigerate the box. I forgot to put that note on the boxes today and I also forgot to put on the boxes with Chocolate that the box needs to be opened with supervision. Also - dog treats or dog treats with chocolates go out in Priority Mail boxes. If you receive envelopes - do not let your dog(s) open them
  18. If you haven't entered yet and still wish to, you have about another week to go - the earlier the better as I'll close the system for entries if we go a few days with no entries. Right now my plan is to give it another week before making the last round of matches. So, if you were contemplating, figure it out soon so you can get your entry in before I close it down
  19. So, no need to send Jet out now, right She's a cutie
  20. Your vet is right, a greyhound is.... a DOG! Some of their blood results can be a little different than other dogs, but above all, they are still dogs.
  21. From the last matching thread. The deadline is Nov21.
  22. Here's my take on greyhound art - realize not all people are like me (that's a good thing ) If the art is of a particular dog, I'd like it to be my dog, not somebody elses. If it is general greyhound art that you can't tell that is of a particular dog, that's fine. I have note cards I won at Wonderland the first year it started the expo - on the cards are a picture of somebody else's dog. Not something I'd use since it isn't my dog. As a gift, I was given note cards with a blue greyhound on it, not somebody's actual dog, but a general greyhound. Realistic, but not personal is good if it isn't my dog. If it is realistic and personal, needs to be my dog for me to display.
  23. I think everybody should include chocolate greyhounds :lol It isn't like Ryan was paying his own vet bills! My person's dog is not fond of toys... Jet and Ryan can't comprehend that I have some ideas, but since it isn't Thanksgiving yet, I'm not doing anything about them
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