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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showto...p;#entry3483575
  2. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d24/grey.../b7754e06-1.jpg - in your signature http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d24/grey...uv/b7754e06.jpg - in your post You did not use the same image in your signature as you did when you posted it to ask about the size. The one in your signature does not work - too big file size wise. I fixed it for you.
  3. It is a variant of the French-built Dauphin. The SA 366 G1 Dauphin version was selected by the USCG in the early 1980s as its new short range recovery air-sea rescue helicopter and given the designation HH-65A Dolphin. In order to comply with U.S. regulations, engineering changes were required. So it isn't actually a Dauphin, it really is a Dolphin.
  4. None, neither of us drinks coffee, but thanks for the offer yep - a dolphin (they are cg orange) Had one flying around the neighborhood quite a bit yesterday (test flights after repair) How would I tell? Is it that obvious?
  5. It's raining again and it's real rain, not that drizzle crap that just puts the dirt in the air on my car. I'm looking out the window and watching the roads potholes come back again
  6. Well, I just found the missing closet doors. I killed a sponge cleaning one. And I only took one down. One more is in 2 pieces STUCK to the insulation. Another looks like it could be in ok condition once cleaned. The last one... I couldn't tell - seems like a small part is stuck to the insulation, but I think it is laying on top of the other half of the stuck door, so it may be ok too. I really only wanted one for the front entry closet (others are from the bedrooms) right now, so I'll clean it again, get some kilz and then paint it and hang it. Maybe I'll even fix the dent From the rest of the house, I'm not surprised at the condition of the closet door, but really, how the heck do people manage to do this crap?? Guess I don't need to hitch a ride to Anchorage to go to Home Depot just yet now
  7. Jeff getting out of Kodiak... (the spec by the tiny rock)
  8. Jeff got out of Kodiak, so I started a new thread
  9. Starting with some new pics Took these this morning after I dropped Jeff off at the boat. Then I had to go home and clear off the memory card as it was full. I took these at the same spot as above about 2 hours later.
  10. Ryan's a seizure dog without poop problems (well, poop problem as in he'd like to eat it, but no problem with the D or anything )
  11. The other half of our garage is in our crawl space and still a compound miter saw in the living room that needs to move too The snow blower is now out of the down stairs bathroom (good conversation piece) Doors are hung Now just for the last of the cleaning and the correct touchup paint to be brought in for the the last bit of touchups.
  12. You wanted some pics of the house.... here you go, our 'garage'
  13. Call the vet back and ask where specially to get it filled the first time as you've not found it yet.
  14. Are they sure it is water and not some type of fluid? Haven't they drawn off a sample to see what it actually is?
  15. Place isn't done. She didn't get it done by the date she said it would be done by and then our stuff showed up. She hasn't been back yet, but is scheduled to be here tomorrow. I don't think she has plans to finish other than hang the doors we've not hung yet. But before I finish her job, we'll see what she actually does tomorrow. If she doesn't finish, then I have to go buy paint, and I won't do that until Jeff leaves.
  16. I don't even know when the damn thing was launched... even that place runs on island time! At noon I was out walking the neighborhood dragging the dogs toward home. They seem to be on Kodiak time too LOL
  17. This place is just full of surprises - always something new. Earlier this week, I was the reason for somebody wanting to kill themselves. Well, both Jeff and I as the mean, nasty, whiny, bitchy NYers, but since I was the one on the phone, it was my fault. Welcome to Kodiak, I'm going to kill myself because of you. Yesterday, we went to the bank to get cash from the ATM. Ummm.... the bank doesn't have an ATM Guess we won't be opening an act with them as I might actually like my money at times they are not open. There is a rocket launch today at the other end of the island. I might head that direction to check it out since it is kind of cloudy/overcast, so not likely I'll be able to see it from the house. Taxes were much worse in NY.
  18. Wonder if there is a limit on the number of Dysons to be shipped to Kodiak.... I might be able to get all the wives together and we can just start at one end of town with some really long extension cords
  19. He spent over 3 years there before he transferred to NY and never ate out in Boston. And I got more snow there than we did where we were in NY. We weren't actually IN the snowbelt of NY - just below it.
  20. Jeff will be on a slow crappy boat. Unless somebody/boat having issues is right near them, his boat won't likely be the one responding, but the helos from the stations along the Alaska coast. And who needs a clock when you have the Wednesday 2pm Tsunami alarm test
  21. Zoom in a bit further and check out the car eating pot holes
  22. Try again in 5 minutes - we'll stand out side and say "hi" Walmart - I went in for a thermometer for the fish tank (I dropped the one for the tank last night and it broke) and clear thread. I left with clear thread. About par for the Walmart course. It is small and you have a limited selection - but at least there is a Walmart here... one of the other Alaska CG stations does not have that luxury.
  23. There are no sidewalks where we are since we are not in the "town" but in the burrough. The roads are not paved (other than the main ones) so they are dirt/rock roads. Jet hates walking on rocks/gravel. Ryan is not so fond of it either. They want to walk down to the dumpster with me, but hate just about every step of it because where the roads aren't hard packed by cars, it is lose gravel and it hurts to walk on it... even with sneakers! And where it is packed, rocks poke through the dirt and packed gravel. And it is dusty when vehicles go by - most give you lots of space when they go around (hey, they know it is dusty too), but then you have the dumbasses that think it is fun to play chicken with the chick on the edge of the 'road' walking 2 dogs and when the dumbasses do decide to not plow you over, they don't give you so much room. Dumbass is going to have his truck kicked the next time he does it. I think Belize City (in the city) still has Kodiak beat, but not by much. Now I'm off for my daily trip to Walmart - at least the parking lot there is paved
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