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Everything posted by Trudy

  1. So when is the last time any of you spent 45 minutes scrubbing your range hood? It is kind of nasty when you see nasty grease running down your wall that you just cleaned Yes, we hired a cleaning person to clean the house before we moved in, but she didn't finish and one of the places she didn't finish... the kitchen.
  2. Jet will walk around like that until the offending piece of grass (usually) is pulled out by the lucky human (usually me).
  3. 52 now, with an expected high of 57 with chance of rain That's about what it looks like for the entire week.
  4. Just make sure the flat rate box fits in our mail box by the road, otherwise they will not deliver the package, they leave it at the post office, and NO, not at the real post office, but at a half assed almost post office where you can't mail all packages and must pay with cash, semi post office. Yeah, we had packages arrive yesterday, but not all would fit in the box, so we got 3 slips saying pick them up. So I go to the post office at 11:30 this morning. Package pick up is 1-2pm on Saturdays. Go back at 1:30 and they tell me I can't pick them up there, I have to go to Safeway. HUH??? The half assed post office is in Safeway. But priority mail actually gets here in 2-3 days from NY (I've sent stuff here before we left).... it is just getting it from the PO that is the issue
  5. Ok, so one of you can send us a garage door, another one can send us the left wall of the garage, another the right wall, another the back wall and yet another can send us the front wall. And maybe a few of you can get together and send us the roof and a slab for it. Yeah, that should do it :lol Or if that doesn't work, just send us a Lowe's or Home Depot - we'll be able to get what we need from there!
  6. More pics from this afternoon. Took pics of one eagle with 2 chicks in the nest, but you can't see the chicks well in the pics, so I'm not posting them. We headed down to a "beach" and the road down was very much washed out, but that didn't stop Darlene (owner of the B&. It took her 5 tries to find the right way out to avoid being stuck on a rock, going off over the side, never making it up or the one we wanted... getting the heck out of there! We made it. Jet had fun. Ryan, not so much. He took a lot of tumbles - first when he T-boned Misty May and then again when he decided to take off for a run and didn't know the ground and fell ass over tea kettle a few times. I thought for sure he'd broken him self good. He was shaken, but let me help him up and he stuck to my side for pretty much the rest of the time. Then he got stuck in the rocks going up the the truck. He's bumped, but he had fun running around to burn off some pent up 5 days worth of rained in energy Eagles (the one in flight is last years baby) Jet and Ryan Jet having some fun The view
  7. The other afternoon on the way out of the house - fog had planes grounded for a few days Kodiak pastime Eagle this morning sitting on a street light
  8. The house is all now a soft off white/linen color with the exception of the bathrooms, which will be that color tonight. So all painting should be done tonight and some touchups will be done tomorrow as they see what needs to be redone and the hard core cleaning starts. Wednesday our express shipment will be delivered and Thursday our main shipment will be there! And I saw this thing tonight on the way back from the house after going to White Sand Beach (sorry, but it looks like black sand to me and Ryan was not at all thrilled with the fireworks) - it blinded me for a couple of seconds. I think it may have been the sun, but I've not seen it in a while, so I'm not sure
  9. I've had to provide less information to buy a house! And that cost me a little bit more a month (not much). I actually want to call back and cancel just because it was such a PITA and have the cable guy bring out a modem with him on Saturday. The kicker - should we call you with any issues before hand on the home phone? Ummm, you guys are setting that up all together... how you going to call that number and expect me to answer when you haven't installed it yet??
  10. Could you hang drapes instead of getting a closet door? Of course by the time you buy drapes and a curtain rod, it will probably cost more than a closet door Not a fan of drapes/curtains where closet doors should be. Closet doors should be closet doors - keeps the dogs out of places they shouldn't be.
  11. send sun and blinds and door stops and real wood (spruce is pretty much it here and it burns quick) yeah, sun would be nice - need to dry up the yard a bit so we can get back there and get it ready for a few cords of wood.
  12. The rain has stopped after 5 days! I went to the grocery store to get something for lunch... cheapest tomatoes I could find were ON SALE for $6.00 a pound! Yeah, it is going to take some time to get used to these crazy prices. Need some closet doors (they are are mysteriously missing...), they have a 30x80 for $107. I need 35x80 and it will have to be special ordered - which means special order pricing too - anybody want to hazard a guess because I don't know yet, I couldn't find the special order guy anywhere.
  13. $30 PER BLIND.... really??? This shipping crap gets old fast!
  14. I don't think it is mold in the corners of the walls, I think that is just nasty crud that is coming through. They seem to have done a second coat on most of upstairs. It is looking much better now. Few little things to have them fix/redo, but looks much better. They are starting downstairs - getting there... slowly. They have 3 more days to get their stuff done... 2 for painting as Wednesday is supposed to be a paint free day.
  15. Oh yeah, the "pet store"..... oye Yeah, that about sums it up.... Oye They have some snakes, ferrets (which they put away so we could bring the dogs in), mice, rats and a couple of fish. They also had ONE bag of dog food. Yep, ONE, UNO, UN, A, 1 And a very much empty, not much stuff, no real options, and what they did have was 2x the price of anything I've seen anywhere else ever before.... I don't see me making use of the pet store here. Feed store is where they have J&Rs food - I'll just buy extra bags since there's no other reason to be down where the feed store is and bring lots of cash or a check (if I can find them ) as they don't take CC. Since they just opened at the end of last year and did lots of research on the stuff they were going to carry, I had high hopes for this store.... I've really never been into a pet store that had so little stuff or ONE bag of dog food.
  16. I scrubbed the walls that weren't painted yet this morning and then the cleaner came in and asked what I was up to. Told her I was removing the food and crud from the walls so it doesn't bleed through when they paint like it did upstairs. She said leave it and she'll get it when she goes over stuff. Umm, no, I'll keep on going just in case you miss it like it was missed upstairs. I did hold back from getting the spackle and knife and filling in more holes and sanding spots that were already done. Maybe later... we'll see what it looks like later tonight I think things were done backwards... cleaning should have been done first - including the nasty walls and celing, then prep the walls for paint and then prime and then paint. Not start prepping, prime one room and then paint everything without really being done with the prep and no cleaning of the walls. One room was prepped well and because of the number of spots to fill, the walls were washed. Ceiling too. That room looks good.
  17. It nearly is.....which leads me to believe that Kodiak doesn't really exist! It actually does exist... until I bring out the heat gun and start melting glaciers and bury this place under water!
  18. July is actually supposed to not be very rainy - the rain we've had for 4+ days is normal of June, not July - or so we've been told.
  19. I've been here a week. I miss Home Depot and Lowes!!!! I might just have to open one here... it will be packed, at least until we move and then I don't care I've already sent a list to my parents to run to Lowe's for since we can't order it from Lowe's online.
  20. Nope, some pallets actually arrive that color, no painting necessary - that would have been too much effort and the paint job on the pallet is way better than the paint job in the house.
  21. That brings you to NOAA -which does not have a radar of Kodiak. We can get a weather forecast for Kodiak, what we want is to see a radar map that INCLUDES kodiak.
  22. Is Amazon smarter than a 5th grader? No. No they are not. continental US is part of the North American Continent. Alaska is part of the US. Alaska is also part of the North American Continent. So when you say that something applies to the Continental US, that includes AK. I sent Amazon an email back in Feb after we found out we were moving to AK. I received a response that led us to keep our Amazon Prime membership when it was time to renew recently. I'm thinking vijayabhaskar.A.V. does not have a good grasp of US geography or thought AK was Arkansas? Either way, I was a wee bit pissed off when they tried to charge me <$40 for shipping this evening and I had to call and figure out why I had an email telling me that Kodiak, AK, would be the same shipping as we had in NY. Um nope, it's not. And not even all the super saver shipping stuff applies either!
  23. 10 day forecast... RAIN That doesn't mean good things for dirt roads. And who the heck wants to have to work in the yard - clean up pallets that are falling apart and left over bark so we can put down new pallets and get a few cords of wood - in the RAIN?? But it looks like we are going to have to do that now. So no, not really looking up yet, it looks cold, bleak and rainy!
  24. These damn roads are going to eat my car. Heavy rain... not good for dirt roads. The pot holes they just filled in 2 days ago... back with a vengeance! Heavy rain in paved roads with deep routes... like driving in a river! I went to pick stuff up for dinner tonight - in a total of 3 places. 2 of the places (one was for a bottle of wine.... our stuff is in storage until the house is ready, so no access to my wine) can not figure out how the hell to do unit pricing. I saw so many that were wrong. Lots said $0.05 per ounce - Nope. Found one that said $26.99 per pound for Pancetta. So I said screw that for dinner and went with something cheaper. While driving back to the B&B I realized that was wrong... 6 ounce package was $4.99. Maybe a pound here is more than 16 ounces??
  25. Kodiak is not clean. Way too many dirt roads to be clean. Way too much fishing to be clean. It finally started to rain rain last night instead of just light and drizzle - I can now see that my car really is gray. It's been covered in dirt since about 10 minutes after we got it off the boat here. I can wash it and within 5 minutes it will be covered again. The pretty clean parts are the parts people don't live/work.
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