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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. He's really doing great :) No limping at all, still not letting him run though and only goes up the stairs at night when we go to bed. Might let him have a stuffy to play with in a couple of days, just want to make sure first.


    on the other hand <_< Major started running around the back yard yesterday like a crazy man (yes Major.. the comotosed greyhound was running) :blink: and now HE'S limping :headwall : UGH!!!! So I gave him half of a Rimadyl this morning and will keep an eye on that too. I'm convinced that Major's is a pulled muscle or he stepped wrong or something. He's not crying or anything, just limping but he NEVER runs and was freaking tearing up the back yard last night so I'm certain he did something from his run. If it doesn't get better in a couple days then off to the vet I go with him.

    Geez BJ. Jack did exactly that yesterday. He was running in the yard like a loon. He doesn't DO that! What's with these guys? He started limping real bad too. Only I hauled him off to the vet since it is a long weekend here. He seems to have pulled a muscle near his spine at the back end. Ice and ASA for him. He is doing better today so hopefully Major will feel better soon too.

  2. My new girl Elly has developed a corn on her front paw . I did dremel it down flush with the pad . I wanted to also try using Duct tape method , how is it done ?


    Oh poo Andrea. That's too bad with her limited back leg use. Make sure you print out the hulling procedure page and take it to the vet. I'm not sure if they've had to do it but they should be willing to give it a go.

  3. I'm so sorry. I so wish it didn't have to be your turn. I desperately wish it never had to be any of our turns. We'll all miss your beautiful sweet boy and grieve with you. Farewell Jett.

  4. Does anyone have any suggestions for putting 2 greys in the back seat? We currently have one grey, and he's fine alone. We are thinking about a second, though. I was curious how both would fit in the back of my fairly small car. I can't always steal DH's SUV! Any tips?


    Do the seats fold down? Soul is 80lbs, and his buddy Sharky is also 80lbs. They both have plenty of room in the back of a Mazda6 with the seats folded down. More than they need, actually . . . . .


    It's a very small Toyota four-door sedan. The seats fold down to get access to the trunk, but it doesn't make for a very even surface. I am just trying to picture two dogs fitting on the back seat. My one grey is a big boy and not the most coordinated dog on the planet. And he doesn't sit. He does fine by himself, but he takes up the whole seat when he lies down. I don't want to relegate a second grey to the floorboard behind my seat. :) I just wondered how others managed.

    Just fill in the footwell space between the back of the front seats and the back seat either with pillows or something firmer - just to make a larger platform of the backseat. That gives enough room for two quite easily. Mine did fine that way in a Corolla for well over a year till we got the Rondo.

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