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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Our big boy Red has the same problem, was ripping around the yard and we thought he had strained something. Took him to the vet for the complete exam and she said that it was possible that a corn was developing because there was no other evidence of any other problem. xrays etc. But the corn hasn't come to the "surface" yet. So what am I looking for? I see mentioned a "circle", is it a hard spot on the pad, is it between the pads :( . The vet also mentioned "hulling". Does it take long? Is there a long recovery, special padding for the paw? Not really sure what I am dealing with here. Looking for some guidence also.




    There is no real recovery after hulling. It is a simple procedure so don't worry. If you have a vet that is talking to you about hulling, this is a very good thing! Corns are a complete nuisance but stick around here and do a search and you will get tons of information about corns.

  2. You are all so sweet and kind to care about us. We had a bit of a setback. Design laid on her bad side Wednesday night and ripped a whole in her skin right under the incision. I just did not know what to do anymore so we took her back to the vet. He is going to keep her through the weekend for wound care. I feel horrible for her and I am really wondering if we did the right thing. The thing is that it is too late to wonder. What is done is done and we have to hang in there and see what happens. Your prayers and well wishes are very much appreciated.



    You did the right thing. It's just hard. Remember what everyone said. The first two weeks are the worst. I second guess myself about choosing not to amputate for Jack everyday. We have to stop. We did the best for our dogs. :grouphug

  3. There is certainly more room to increase her pain meds. Jack is getting 50 mgs of Tramadol 3 times a day and Meloxicam 100mls once a day and he is not in pain right now. If he should be I will increase that dosage of Tramadol. 50 mgs is a low dose. I am so sorry about Lois. You do need to beat back that pain and then try to keep it under control. It is harder to to keep keep trying to fight it back once it rears its ugly head.

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