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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Oh Hilda! I am so sorry for the loss of your so beautiful Snowy. What a sad year you've had. I don't have any words. Rest easy now Snowy. You have so many friends at the Bridge and so many who will miss you here :f_white:gh_lay

  2. Thank you everyone. I just dropped Conner off and talked to the doc. He seems to think with all the sypmtoms he has that the colonoscopy is a very good idea. So we are going with it. I will let you know when I do what is up.


    Kool Aid also went into the docs today, I guess he decided he liked stitches so much that we had to do it again. He just had a growth removed a few weeks ago on his ear and got those stitches out last Thursday. He cut his leg open so more stitches for him.



    Oh Amanda I'll be praying for him. For all our boys really.

  3. Where in Canada are you?


    You can send an email to Ohio State Greyhound Health and Wellness Program and a vet there will consult with you for free.




    They're in Winnipeg. That's an idea too Amanda. You just need to send all the medical info you have to them or have Nancy do it. I would think an ultrasound would be useful too. Hugs to you. How is KoolAids leg?






  4. I don't even know what to say to you. What a selfless and painful decision you made. I can't begin to tell you much I thank you for our hounds who have gone and who are soon to leave us and more importantly for the ones who maybe won't need to go. I pray Bodie responds well and is with you for a long while yet.

    Have fun at medical camp Bodie.

  5. I just want to thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. It means so much. We have had a good day today. Out in the yard in the sun, eating pupsicles and playing. My Jack is pretty comfortable right now so we will make every minute that we have last a lifetime if we can. Thank you again.

  6. I can't quite believe I'm writing this yet somehow I knew deep down. My Jack, the love of my life, has osteo.


    His left distal femur has a tumor that you don't need to be a radiologist to see. He was lame last weekend but that resolved very quickly with ice aspirin and rest. But when he woke up this morning just as bad, I just knew.


    I thought it would be his hip and when that xray was clear I started to hope. It was not to be. I love this dog more than I can find the words to say. I look at him lying on his bed sleeping now comfortably with his pain meds and I am just not ready for this.


    I haven't yet decided on our final course of treatment but am leaning to comfort care. I will take a day or two to decide.


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