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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry for your broken heart. God speed Kia. Tear up the Bridge with your friends sweetie. :gh_run and watch out for your mom and dad.

  2. Just remember there are many other things that cause limping. Jack started to limp suddenly and was in serious pain. I was panicked. I did take him to the vet right away because whatever it was he needed something for pain. I really didn't think it was osteo but was of course afraid it was. It wasn't. He had hurt his shoulder. Three weeks of metacam and limited activity and he is fine. So take her if she needs an analgesic but don't panic!!!

  3. Oh dear soul, I know how much this hurts. I know the horror of that video loop that keeps playing in your mind. But you were there with your sweet Otis every minute, every step. There are people who do not have that. Who are alone and scared when their time comes. Otis had you and no matter what you gave him everything!! Everything. He left you surrounded by your love;folded next to your heart.


    Otis is fine now. For his sake be kind to yourself. He loved you too much to be the cause of so much guilt. Grieve oh yes. he is so worth that but put aside that guilt. he wouldn't want that for you. :grouphug

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