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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Robin I know you can't help worrying about osteo. None of us who have had it rob of us of our hearts can but really you are right. It is very unlikely this time. His poor skeletal system is being thrown completely out of whack with his toe compounding his previous problem. Just like someone who injures a knee and begins to hurt in the opposite hip from compensating. Add to that his grief, his tummy issues and he is one sad puppy. He will improve. Try to remember how very desperate and low you were with him In the depths of his IBD and how very far he has come. It's so unfair that he is going through more. But you will get your boy back. :grouphug

  2. I'm so sorry. You need to ask the vet about dosage frequency. I used the liquid so only know about that. And I did use Pepcid too. As for the Tramadol, I hid it in any number of things for Jack as it was not a favoutite of his either. Kiss that sweet boy for me and know we're here for you.

  3. Oh Blair. :grouphug I would have thought I would have run out of tears. He had the best life with you. All filled up with love.There is absolutely no doubt of that. Lewis will be cuddled up in your heart for always and I thank you for sharing him. It makes me smile to think of our two boys together healthy again. Have fun boys. :gh_bow



  4. Claudia this must be taking such a toll. I know how much of a worry it is just to watch and wonder. I know nothing about Cushing's either so I have no advice about that, but I do know about knowing. You know your girl best and you will know when she's had enough; when Misty is just not Misty anymore. However, we are all praying that it will be along time before that time comes. :grouphug

  5. Lewis you have a beautiful day sweet boy with everything wonderful. I can hardly see. You'll be in my prayers. Blair I hope each hour is filled up with wonderful warm memories and cuddles and most of all that he is peaceful. Please give him a kiss and a hug for me and tell him to say hi to my boy for me.



  6. Oh Lewis baby. It's okay sweetheart. If you need to go, Jack will be there waiting for you.

    Blair I wish this didn't have to happen. I know how vety painful it is. But he knows how much you love him. I'm thinking about you and crying for you.


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