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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. IMO, let her be a dog while she still can. Take her for walks as long as she can handle it, let her play, let her enjoy life.

    Life's too short to prevent her from living.


    When Jack was diagnosed I was at first terrified about a break. In the end I decided I would let him do activities as tolerated within reason. His osteo was a rear leg which allowed him to protect it more easily than a front leg. But we walked as usual for many months. And then they gradually shortened until the last three weeks I would put on his collare and leash and take him to the front yard and let him walk around because yes he was so excited to go. Although a couple of those days he more or less pulled me down the street to his little park. I tried to limit his running but he did run a little. He went upstairs to bed every night until the last two nights. I let his level of tolerance dictate what we did over his 6 months post diagnosis. Just be vigilant and realize there is some risk involved but that there has to be some point to their being alive.

  2. I'm so sorry Claudia. I know how much it hurts and how hard you fought for her. She makes a beautiful angel. And there will be so many of our babies to welcome her and keep her company till we all meet again. :f_pink Nite nite sweet girl.

  3. I'm so sorry this monster disease has hit your home. The time is very individual. You need to carefully evaluate pain. Is she able to settle, sleep, is she anxious, panting, nose dripping or crying out. Is she content, eating well and happy for now.


    You need to be generous with the pain meds and stay ahead of the pain. When the pain meds cannot do their job or the dog is just struggling with activities of daily living, then the time has come. My Jack had 6 months but he was able to walk on his leg for almost all of that time. Some have a week. For however long you have with your baby, spoil her and make each day last a lifetime.

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