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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. Mine did but not much and it was a housecall. Mind you it was not MY regular vet and I bet she wouldn't have. She often doesn't charge for things. the bigger fee was the cremation cost which, while collected by the vet goes to the company that does that. Oh and definitely it was bill not payment up front.

  2. I'm sorry. Iknow how that feels to get that news when you are not expecting it. I chose the same option and had many happy months with my Jack. I would only suggest that along with the Tramadol you ask your vet for an NSAID such as medacam if he can handle it. The two together work so much better. I wish you joyful days with your boy.

  3. :confettiWelcome Home Miss MOMO ! :confetti


    Congratulations Lucy! She is so lovely and so, well, lively springs to mind :lol . You and the boys will love having a girlie girl around. We loved sharing her journey to you. Jilly says she will even lend MoMo her tutu.

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