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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. My Jack lived for 6 months with osteo with pain control only. He was happy and healthy always . I let him go the as soon as I knew that would no longer be true if I let him go on for a day longer. Truly he did not suffer. They are all different but pain control is absolutely the key and being conservative with analgesia is not helpful. By that I mean I varied his dosage depending on his day and and his condition. I also recognize we were very lucky. Bless you on your journey with your baby. It is so hard.

  2. Bev :grouphug I truly understand. With Jack it was so different. Because I chose pallitive care for him, I promised him he would not ever have to go back to the vet unless of course it was for something treatable for which it would be irresponsible not to take him. So I never planned to do follow up xrays of any kind - just to treat all symtoms as they occured. He made it so easy for me and I was able to keep that promise.


    But I don't think you could anesthetize her without checking her lungs could you? And if she God forbid, had mets, I really wouldn't do a dental. But she has no symptoms!!! So she is going to be fine.

    We love you Darcy Deerhound :wub:

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