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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry Tom. You're love for Ember just shone through every word you ever wrote. I know your pain. But how lucky we are to have had such wonderful souls in our lives and now, forever in our hearts. Your Ember will always be with you. Run free and fast Ember. Look out for my Jack okay sweetheart? :f_pink

  2. I think I am going to do that. We did do that a few times in the last couple of weeks because we were having problems with him not going out. So I think we will have to keep that up.


    But booties are something I should get too.



    I have booties for him Amanda. Laura made them and dropped them off at my place.


    Thank you Susan, I will get those from you. Laura?? Is that Coney's mom?


    Yes. Who is now lounging in the sun as we speak!! :angryfire:lol

  3. I think I am going to do that. We did do that a few times in the last couple of weeks because we were having problems with him not going out. So I think we will have to keep that up.


    But booties are something I should get too.



    I have booties for him Amanda. Laura made them and dropped them off at my place.

  4. It isn't *hideously* expensive to feed a dog just meat. I do it. I don't feed fancy canned, tho.




    If Beau isn't actively continuing to lose weight, his bloodwork and urinalysis are good, and he doesn't have active diarrhea (see below), I would do the worming and then keep things the same for at least 3 weeks. Same food (without extras), same meds, at the same times each day. Otherwise I honestly don't know how you or the vet can tell if he's getting better, worse, or staying the same.


    Active diarrhea = dog has uncontrollable urgency and totally liquid poop.


    I wouldn't worry in the short term about soft-serve poop and/or tummy noises.


    This makes such good sense.

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