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Posts posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm so sorry. It is just so unrelenting. Whatever time, and I hope it's more than you imagine, don't make it about dying. Make every day about him being there alive with you. Those days will make sweet memories later when you need them so enjoy them as best you can now. :grouphug

  2. You can't just add one NSAID on top of another! Oh please you need the Tramadol. When Jack was diagnosed he was started on Tramadol and Meloxicam (metacam)immediately. He lived for 6 months. He was NOT sedated at all. His pain was just totally controlled. I am very concerned.

  3. I'm so very sorry this is happening to you and your boy. I think because it is in his spine, it will be difficult. As was said previously, do not let him jump. I would insist in having some Tramadol on hand because when he needs it your vet may not ne available. Tell your vet you want enough to get you trhough the longest time he is not available - a whole weekend for example, if he won't give you a whole prescription now. It seems they are always worse at night.


    Spoil him and make sweet memories and come here often. We will be here.

  4. No life isn't the same is it? What I noticed was how quiet my house was. Jack was such a quiet boy I thought but then I realized that he sighed and nested and panted and groaned and moaned all the time. The other two just lie down and sleep.


    I don't know exactly when you you feel "better". I just know I don't feel as bad. It's a process. I love that picture of Lewis. It's perfect.


    Hugs to you Blair.



  5. I'm so sorry for your pain. I'm so glad your Romeo's is done. Be gentle with yourself and please don't let his legacy be guilt. You loved him with all your heart and you did what was right. Listen Romeo, Jack and Lewis and all the other's are having a grand time at the bridge while they wait. In the mean time your angel will be watching over you.

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