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Everything posted by Jackandgrey

  1. I'm sorry she needs it but I think this is the right decision and absolutely the sooner the better! We'll be rooting for her.
  2. Aww Vinny it was just too soon. I'm so sorry your best boy couldn't stay. those one in a million dogs leave such a huge hole,
  3. I'm so sorry. What a shock and how heartbreaking for you.
  4. Wound beds do not heal optimally when exposed to air. That is pretty out dated. They need mositure to heal best. So the A?B cream is fine. A hydrogel would also be good. Then gauze and wrapped as others have said.
  5. Just an update and to say thank goodness I went with my gut. The fine needle aspirate showed histiocells. I wanted it off anyway. The path report shows an unusual mixed tumour of histio cells and mast cells. The aspirate clearly missed the concerning cells. We are waiting for the results of an additional stain but fortunately this would be a grade one tumour so caught early. Growing suspicious lumps need to be taken off in my opinion and I am very glad I did. His ear is healing great with absolutely no problems. He doesn't fuss with it at all. And he now has a cute little pucker
  6. Jack had a slow growing tumour with a fairly intact bone structure. He was absolutely comfortable with Tramadol and Meloxicam for six monthes. Yes I did worry to some degree about a fracture, I made the decision that life was to be lived. He was pretty self limiting if something was too much. But honestly for most of his remaining time , you would have been hard pressed to know he was sick at all. With Jill it was entirely different. She had no presenting signs of disease until the day she refused to weight bear. Her bone was almost gone. She would have fractured that leg. Since I was not amputating, I let her go very quickly. Although natural remedies may appeal to you, please please get your boy started on analgesia asap. And don't be shy using it absolutely as is necessary. You really need to stay ahead of the pain not try to beat it back. Accupuncture may be very helpful. Sometimes the compensating muscles can spasm so massage is also helpful.
  7. I can't shape Jessie into a sit either. She always goes into a down front first. I think I'll try the sit from a down method.
  8. Oh Jennifer, I'm so sorry. I have been down that road twice now and I well understand your grief. I chose not to amputate and just treat the pain. Jack lived for 6 months post diagnosis and Jilly just two days. Whatever you decision you make, and I guarantee you will second guess yourself many times, it will be a decision made with love and your boy, Baker, will know that.
  9. It's such an emotional roller coaster isn't it? I'm so glad things are okay. Feel better soon Charlie.
  10. Joshy is getting this off on Monday. And hopefully he will still have an ear!
  11. What a handsome joyful looking fellow he was. I'm so sorry he needed to leave you.
  12. Jilly's recall was perfect. She would never not come back, ever. All the other ones are pretty good with the exception of Jack, my first. His was dreadful but then he was my first dog and I didn't work with him as much.
  13. Do you mean going to obedience classes? Absolutely! I took Jilly when she was almost three. It was without a doubt the most bonding of experiences. She was smart as a whip and learned a lot. Plus it kept her busy brain tired! It is critical to pick the right trainer though. Positive training only. Of course you can do it yourself but the socializing with other dogs was a positive for her too.
  14. I am so very sorry. How tragic and unfair.
  15. Jill was very good at getting sore toes with swelling like that. Either dislocated which reduced itself prior to me getting to her or just soft tissue. Occasionally she needed an NSAID and no running for six weeks. She seemed to get over that in later years. I would bet it is an injured toe on your girl. Oh Jilly definitely limped with hers.
  16. Yay for firm poo. I sure hope you are on the upside of this now Kerry.
  17. Good point Amber. Kerry my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how scary this is.
  18. I know how much it hurts Donna and how much you miss her. I'm so very glad that sweet beautiful girl found you. Greta will be missed but always remembered. With so many friends at the bridge, she will never be lonely while she watches out for you Klaus.
  19. His smile was enchanting Blair. I'm so sorry.
  20. Blair I'm so sorry your beautiful guy had to go. Your heart must be feeling so battered right now,
  21. Jackandgrey


    Alan was not a forgettable hound. He was special.
  22. Blair! I am so very sorry. Words just don't seem enough.
  23. I'm so happy for you! He looks perfect! A sweet black 4 year old boy. Swoon!!
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