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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. What a terrible experience for you and Jack! So glad you finally found a vet who would help out though even if you are not his clients. I live only a few miles away from you so I know how bad the conditions were with the hard frost last night making the roads like glass. Hope all goes well and Jack makes a speedy recovery so you can get him back home before the weather deteriorates again.

  2. Had a couple of dogs had strokes over the years and it certainly sounds like that to me. Hope it is in some ways as they usually make a really good recovery, may well not have another or at least not for months or years and within weeks you will hardly know anything ever happened. Good luck anyway!

  3. Yes, my six year old foster dog has this clicking too. It is most noticeable when he walks round the house which is fully carpeted. Definitely not his nails and less noticeable when walking outside which seems strange to me. Doesn't limp and doesn't seem bothered or in in pain anywhere though I can't identify just which joint it seems to be coming from. He is now on G&C which I think might have helped though we still hear the clicking fairly often.

  4. Bet it's the usual muscle pull in the neck/shoulder area.....at least I hope it's just that. My old girl Ragsy used to suffer from this every so often and I have had other dogs with the same thing in the past. I found gentle but firm circular massaging right down the neck, shoulder and leg on the affected side seemed to help a lot.

  5. Personally I think there is far too much fuss about the 'quality' of dog poop particularly where greys are concerned.I have found with all our dogs that the more exercise they get through the day the softer their poops become after the first one whatever food they are on. As long as they do not have the big D, show no signs of anal gland problems and are otherwise healthy looking and fit, I don't worry about it. To be honest I think many people only care because it is easier to pick up solid poops and the constant owner concern and food changes and 'firming up' additions actually upset the dogs and make the situation worse.

  6. It does sound like she has pain somewhere but it could well just be a 'one-off' and she may be back to normal in a couple of days. Maybe she laid funny, bumped or twisted something. Could just be old age arthritis setting in a bit if she is getting on in years.

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