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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. My old girl did this several times.....as if she had slept funny on her leg or had cramp. I just massaged the affected leg and hip area as it was her left back leg and walked her around for a few minutes once she could put weight on it again. I think it just 'went to sleep' like with people sometimes.

  2. Well although I keep reading that there is no proof that garlic is an effective treatment against fleas, I have used this for nearly 30 years with many dogs of various breeds and ages living in various parts of the UK, and I have never had a flea problem or needed any of the regular flea products. Maybe I have just been lucky but we do have fleas here in the UK too! I give one garlic capsule per day from the health food store and have never seen any evidence of this being a problem for any of my dogs.

  3. Yes I am sure they can. My old girl has similar syptoms once in a while like when a person has 'slept funny' or fallen asleep awkwardly. We too get the staggering and occasionly the crying/screaming also. I just massage the area that seems to be affected and she is usually back to normal fairly quickly. I don't really know what causes this or if there is any way to prevent it happening though.

  4. Glad he's doing well. Have been involved with several dogs with strokes and most made a good recovery within a couple of weeks and continued to live for some years with few obvious long-term effects. I'm sure he will continue to improve and adjust and you will enjoy plenty of quality time with him yet. Good luck!

  5. I have had two older dogs which had strokes and made almost full recoveries so you would never have known and lived for another two-three years. Also a couple of friends with 'stroke' dogs which recovered well and continued for several years with no more strokes. However, neither of mine was quite as bad as your girl seems to have suffered and that does sound like a really bad one. However, it is amazing how much recovery they can make with just a little time and some helpful medication. I hope you and Noza are lucky and she can recover sufficient quality of life to enjoy some more time with you. If she does not seem to be in any pain, which they often do not, I would give it a few days and see if there are signs of improvement.

  6. So glad she is doing well. I only have experience of strokes in older dogs 9+ but both mine made very good recoveries and both continued as normal for another 2-3 years with no obvious lasting effects. I also know of several other dogs including greyhounds which have made extremely good recoveries so hopefully your Kelly will do just fine for a long time to come.

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