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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. I don't know how much it depends on the animal or on the vet but all of ours have been very calm and peaceful. My last girl Ragsy was pts inthe back of our car when she broke her leg badly and the vet reckoned it was not fixable at 14years old. I sat in the back with her and she had one injection in a front leg and she just went off to sleep very easily. I am so sorry for those who do not have such an easy passing but I am grateful to our vet that my last memory of Ragsy is of a peaceful 'sleeping' hound.

  2. I have always believed the greatest tribute you can pay to the one you have lost is to take in another of their wonderful breed and try to make that ones life better. I can't stand my home or my life without a dog in it so after my beautiful Ragsy girl left us in May, I adopted Tru 5 days later and then my Sonny boy three weeks after that. We walk the same riverbank I have walked with all my previous dogs so I remember them all every day as I watch my two new hounds enjoy the same pleasure the others did.

  3. Many of mine have been regular grass eaters over the years with no ill effects. They didn't do this to make themselves sick because their tummies were 'off', but simply because they obviously enjoyed the taste. Luckily round here the roadside grass is never sprayed only cut periodically by the council, so there is always plenty of new grass coming through for them to enjoy.

  4. I'd probably keep him on three meals if you are around to feed him those at fairly regular times. If it seems to suit him better and it's not too much trouble for you, it might be all he needs having his food more spread out and not to have his tummy too full at any one time.

  5. Could just be a combination of the summer heat, stress and excitement of moving and going to Grapehounds. If he is drinking normally and seems pretty well OK otherwise, I would try to settle life down into a calm routine with his normal food and restricted treats for a few days and see if that gets him back on course.

  6. When I first replied to this I had never lost a dog suddenly. Now I have. Ragsy broke her leg and had to be put to sleep aged around 14. Within less than an hour she went from running round the garden to crossing the Bridge. I actually found this the easiest passing of all the dogs we have had as I had no real choice, she did not suffer for any length of time and went to sleep on her own duvet in the back of her car with us both sitting with her. She went gently to sleep and knew nothing about it. It was not what I would have chosen of course, but it was easier on us I think.

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