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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. I've never bathed Ragsy yet as there hasn't been any need. I do wash down her legs if she's been racing round her garden track but otherwise she doesn't seem to need it. I brush her regularly but she never looks dirty or smells and the only 'bath' she gets is when we're out in the rain. I've always been told to bath dogs as little as possible so as not to interfere with the natural skin oils doing their job.

  2. So sorry for your loss.

    I really believe the greatest tribute you can pay to your dog is to open your heart to another needy hound and give it all the love and care you gave your previous dog (s). Just go to the pound, rescue, sanctuary or whatever nearest to you and see the eager, sad or hopeful faces waiting to heal your pain.

  3. It's maybe a difference in the way they're kept in England.  The kennels I've seen here (only two or three, but I'm told they're fairly typical) keep the dogs two together in largeish kennels with a concrete floor for easy cleaning, and a raised bed.  So the dogs are well used to jumping up from, and down onto concrete.  It must toughen up the paws. :)



    Yes, silverfish, this is my experience too so you are probably right. Greys here seem to do 'roadwork' as part of their training too which I don't think happens at all in the USA. I just wondered if this did account for the difference as they do seem to be more delicate over there. However, in my experience ours seem to get less skin damage to other parts of their bodies too, which made me wonder if there is some genetic difference.

  4. Another silly question....but do you think American greyhounds have thinner, more delicate skin than English ones? Both the greys I have had, and dozens at the rescue kennels where I walked dogs for years, never suffered from cut pads despite walking and running on concrete and tarmac roads. My current grey regularly walks and runs along the tarmac track leading to the riverbank but never suffers any paw damage. Maybe we build them up gradually from youngsters to road walking etc. more than happens over there, do you think?

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