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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. It may well be a pulled muscle and I have had this on occasion with two of mine. I just massaged with firm circular movements from behind the ear right down the shoulder and leg on the affected side for a few minutes several times a day. This seemed to help and they were back to normal in a couple of days.

  2. My lurcher had a small but very painful corn on one front pad which we had removed at the vets but it just came back within a few weeks. He limped badly and sometimes held the paw up to walk. Eventually I got a tube of verrucca jel, put a drop on every day for 6 days then used the emery board provided to rub the raised surface of the corn, as per the instructions. I did this religiously for months till I suddenly noticed he was hardly limping at all and it was hard to see where to put the gel on the tiny bit left. Now it has gone completely and not returned so far....fingers crossed this has finally worked for my boy.

  3. I'd be looking for reasons for the behaviour myself. Is he waking up and wanting to move around because he is cold,is hungry, has heard a new noise in the neighbourhood, or maybe he is just bored and not had anough exercise and company in the evening after being in a crate for 10 hours during the day.

  4. All ours and fosters have the full run of the house from the start, except for the bathroom, so they learn straight away that the whole area is their 'den' and not for toiletting. For the first couple of days I watch them like a hawk wherever they move and stop any attempts to mark or poop and whip them outside (not literally :o )immediately. This has worked fine for us for over 30 years having dogs and we have never used a crate nor limiteed their free rein in the house and house-training is one of the doggie problems we have never had.

  5. I think the distance from you may be the problem so a longer lead or long line might help. My current three hounds can all go offlead on walks and when they are ready to poop each trots off a good way, 20 to 30 yards away from me to find the right spot to go, usually in long grass or amongst tall weeds. Luckily they will all go onlead too if necessary but do prefer to be free to choose their spots.

  6. I wouldn't worry. She is probably tired out with all the excitement and still settling in and sorting out the routine of her new lifestyle. Neither would I bother with a crate especially if she isn't happy with it. If she has no real problems for herself or you with being loose in the house, then I'd be happy about that and let her enjoy the freedom.

  7. Agree with the above. This throwing up mostly yellow bile often seems to be a sign of 'empty tummy syndrome'. Does it happen at a specific time of day? I've had dogs do this first thing in the mornings on waking up and giving them a handful of their usual kibble or a few small biscuits right at bedtime has always cured it in the past for me.

  8. Personally if it isn't really bothering him much I'd leave it alone. I think sometimes just 'disturbing' things can trigger them off to start being active or developing and at his age you don't want to be doing that. Being realistic, you can't have more than a couple more years with him now so I would make every day count and not put him through anything which could be painful or lead to any invasive activity to spoil the rest of his time with you.

  9. I hope you can comfort yourselves with the knowledge that you have done the right and best thing for the hound you love and put his needs before your own feelings. It is never easy but you have put Kelso first and no owner can do better than that. May he have many more happy times without the stress of the stairs and with your visits to look forward to as well.

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