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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. Any I send out from England have been individually wrapped, boxed, box Christmas wrapped then over-wrapped in brown paper. None have ever been opened and all arrived safely in the USA. I just think individual wrapping is more fun for the recipient.

  2. I replied in this thread earlier but now, once more, we are at that stage again.....bone cancer in my girl's back leg and wondering how long we have left. I have never had one go quickly and easily out of all the rescues we have had and it seems that once again, we will have to decide when the time is right for her to leave us. It doesn't get any easier but at least, knowing, we can make her last days as happy as possible.

  3. My girl Ragsy has MegaE also but only mildly so we feed 4-5 small meals a day and massage her throat to make sure the food has all gone down. You can see a bulge in her neck if it gets stuck. She will eat like this for two or three days then she has a day where she won't eat till late evening so we think maybe the food gets stuck further down and only goes through gradually after a build up of several meals. It doesn't really seems to bother her though and we have been this way for over three years now since we got her at around 10 years old. She doesn't seem to be getting any worse so I guess we've been lucky and I hope you will find the condition quite manageable also.

  4. Mine acts this way when she pulls a muscle in her neck/shoulder area. She can't reach down to the ground to her water bowl so I have to watch when she wants to drink and lift it for her. She feeds from a raised bowl so that's not a problem. I just massage the whole area with gentle but firm circular hand strokes and it seems to ease it and she is usually OK in a couple of days. Seems to be a recurring injury with my 13 year old though and I've had other breeds with the same sort of thing especially our GSD's.

  5. My girl has a front paw claw which grows at an odd angle also....is it called a sprung toe? The nail doesn't touch the ground like the others so tends to grow longer if I don't keep on top of filing it back. She has broken/torn it out a couple of times, licked it clean and it grows back in 5-6 months at the same odd angle again. Personally, although the mess from the bleeding is a nuisance if you don't spot the damage before the hound gets indoors, I would not have any treatment/ surgery to this. If it does not bother the hound, affect his gait, cause pain etc. I would leave well alone. Surgery could possibly result in some other effect on the rest of his foot and you could end up with more damage and pain than your hound has from this periodic claw breaking.

  6. As I continue my quest for firm, neat, easy-to-pick up dog poop, I got to wondering: Are firm, easily picked-up stools better for the dog or just for those of us who pick up after them? I mean, many humans are trying to eat more fiber and *avoid* hard stools. Is it possible that the optimum doggy stool is rather soft, however inconvenient that might be for the human picking up after them? :unsure Are we barking up the wrong tree?


    To be honest, I do think there is a lot of truth in your comments here. I'm in the UK and we seem to worry far less about how firm poops are.....it is rarely mention on UK dog boards and rarely a topic of discussion amongst my local area dog walkers. As long as the dog seems comfortable and happy, there is no anal gland problem and no signs of ill-health in any other way, I think we tend to accept what we get! Certainly the second and third poops on a walk are always much softer/looser than the first for my current hound as for some of the rescue dogs of other breeds I have had, but all the dogs have been fit and healthy so it hasn't been a worry. I do think pick-up has a lot to do with the concerns and the stress over it all transfers to the hound and makes the situation worse. The subsequent vet trip increases the stress, the medication usually prescribed probably upsets the system still more and the vicious circle continues.

  7. My 13 year old is very picky over food and also has mild MegaE. At her age I'm happy to give her just about anything she will eat that doesn't actually make her ill. Maybe poorer quality food could shorten her life some, but at least if she will still eat and seems happy and healthy, I'll settle for that at this age.

  8. I would reckon it's definitely the extra exercise causing them too poop more. I have always found with mine that the more we walk out and exercise, the more they poop and the more fat they burn off. I would give them a little more food for the moment and see if things settle down after a while, but don't worry, as long as they are running and pooping, there won't be much wrong at all.

  9. I don't know which would be best as I've never had one that went suddenly. All the seniors we've had have gradually gone downhill and in each case we have had to decide when the time had come to let go. It's not easy but I try to be really objective about this and never let them stay a day too long just because I can't bear the parting.

  10. Your girls symptoms sound a bit extreme for this but could it be a stroke? The back end weakness, unexpected extra peeing and some disorientation all followed on a minor stroke in two of my previous rescues. If it is, a very good recovery may be made within days and both mine lived for roughly another two years without major problems. Sending best wishes for your girl.

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