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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. Agree with all the rest.....this is usually because the tummy is too empty. I give mine a handful of her normal kibble right at bedtime to see her through the night and the problem has stopped completely. You could cut down a little on her other meals if you find she is putting on weight but I would try this for a few nights first before worrying or making a vet visit if she seems fine otherwise.

  2. Yes I wouldn't be surprised at all. Even just sleeping awkwardly, twisting or turning sharply can sometimes be enough to pull a muscle just as can happen in humans. Once it has happened it does have a tendency to recur as with my present girl hound and I find gentle circular massaging down her neck and around the shoulder and top of leg areas on the affected side seems to give some relief and easing of the pain for her.

  3. No experience of this but is the plastic bag part just for outside? I would think the foot wrapped up and inside plastic would 'sweat' and delay healing. Wouldn't you need to cover with something breathable to allow air circulation to the wound for more speedy healing?

  4. Agree with the other posters, sounds like a pulled muscle or slight nerve damage. This happens sometimes to my old girl always on her right shoulder area. I find that gentle circular massaging all along the neck, shoulder and top of leg on that side, seems to ease it for her and within a couple of days she's fine again. Watch out for any problems with eating or drinking if you don't use raised bowls though.....mine has trouble reaching down to drink from bowls at floor level when her neck is painful.

  5. Drontal is EXPENSIVE! :blink:

    Maybe I should look into that.....actually I didn't get a receipt from the vet so I don't know what it cost. I paid £35 ( around $70 I think) for her annual health check-over, annual booster jab and 3 Drontal Plus tabs, so I didn't think that was too bad, to be honest.


  6. Drontal/Droncit is more costly and is specific for tapeworms. Panacur is cheap but does not treat the common dog tapeworm. Drontal Plus contains both meds but again is more expensive -- if you don't have tapeworms, no reason to go to the expense.


    (edited after checking a reference or two)


    Thanks Batmom. I think tapes are the most common over here and we don't have some of the others that you do over there, so that does make sense.

  7. Can I ask a 'silly' question then? If Drontal kills all worms and Panacur only kills some of them......why does anyone use Panacur and not just Drontal all the time? My girl went for her annual injections this week and worming tabs. The vet also said we should use Drontal as Panacur didn't deal with everything. I'm in the UK so maybe there is a difference?

  8. and for fireworks, the desensitising CD worked really well!

    Which cd is that, silverfish? The 'Canine Lullabies' one or something different.....and where did you get it? My girl was never bothered by fireworks till last Novemeber when they were horrendous round here and now she is frightened of any bangs like shooting and bird scarers too so I could do with something that might help her before the next lot start up.


    With regard to the 'ACE'....this was mentioned on another board recently and the 'resident vet' Dr.Bill Feeman posted the following info which I'm sure he won't mind being passed on:-



    I would NOT recommend Acepromazine for anxiety! Acepromazine doesn't do anything to reliever anxiety... it only sedates the animal to a point that they are too tired to act on their anxiety. Imagine if you were scared of snakes and then got dropped into a room filled with snakes. Pretty scary. Now, you are dropped in that same room but you are completely exhausted after having just finished a triathalon. You may be too tired to run out of hte room but it doesn't make you any less scared!!!


    Acepromazine is a popular medication for car trips b/c it also has some anti-nausea properties but it really isn't appropriate for noise phobias or most other forms of anxiety.

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