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Posts posted by Ragsysmum

  1. I always take mine out immediately before leaving them even if we have already had a good walk an hour before. I walk round the garden with them and mostly they will do another wee before going back in. Your girl is trying to do the best she can going as near to where she should be able to get outside and obviously just cannot wait until someone opens the door for her, not her fault.

  2. She is growing up. Greyhounds normally like lots and lots of rest and sleep. If she is comfy on her bed and dozing she probably doesn't want to be fussed and stroked and tickled (would you). I'd let her rest on her bed in peace and leave all the fussing till she is on her feet and comes to you or call her to you for a stroke so she can come if she feels like it. You don't need to dominate at all, just be kind and gentle till you have had longer with her to build up a real bond.

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