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Everything posted by laurie

  1. Is giardia transmissable from cats to dogs?
  2. Praying hard for Jane. If there's anything at all I can do, let me know, okay?
  3. Another vote for the pink hair curler cure. I use EMT gel, though, instead of Neosporin. Rhemus has had some awesome cases of Happy Tail (and by 'awesome' I mean blood on the walls, blood on the ceiling, blood on the floor, slasher film awesome ). What can I say, he's REALLY, REALLY happy!!!
  4. laurie

    2007 Roll Call

    Okie Kechi 9/17/97-11/07/07 Lost the fight with kidney disease here on earth, but surely happy and healthy in heaven. We miss you, Miss Kechi.
  5. laurie

    Dweebis Kaneebis

    I am so terribly sorry for your loss.
  6. laurie

    Okie Kechi

    We helped Okie to the Bridge last night. She went peacefully. The time we had with her was a gift, although it was far too short. We love you, Miss Kechi.
  7. Jennifer, I'm soooo sorry to read this!! BIG hugs and lots of prayers for you and Scooter.
  8. We remember. Rest peacefully, sweet Angel Daphne.
  9. Okie update: My girl got subq fluids @ the vet last night, and she's spending the day there today for a round of iv fluids. Her blood pressure was high and her creatinine was higher than last week. Dr. Rosen started her on Benazapril for her bp and kidneys. Apparently, there was some kind of error @ the lab that did her blood work last week; the results didn't get to him until day before yesterday. He feels she should have been treated last week for this and is pretty upset about it. She seems perfectly fine, so that's a good thing. They love her @ the vet's office & I know they'll take good care of her.
  10. So, so sad. Rest peacefully, sweethearts.
  11. Okie's been holding steady at about 50 and 4 for the past few months, but the blood work she had before she left for Abilene with DH and Marbles just came back at 76 and 7. She's going in tonight for IV fluids plus a blood pressure check, a PCV, a spot creatinine, and a urinalysis. Our vet (tons of greyhound experience) thinks she may need to start an ace inhibitor and probably a phosphate binder and potassium supplements, and home subq fluids as well. Crazy little thing seems so healthy; I guess we've known from the beginning that eventually she'd start sliding down this slippery slope, but it's sure hard to get through our heads that she's a sick little girl. Good thoughts/prayers for Ms. Kechi, please.
  12. Sweet, beautiful girl, we still miss you so much. Emily died 5 years ago after running into our glass sliding door. She broke her neck. Old timers on greytalk have seen me post probably a million times about slider doors; for the newer people, what happened to Em can and does happen. If you have glass sliders, please put window clings or tape on them so your hound knows they're there.
  13. My sympathies to all who knew and loved Donnie. Rest peacefully, sweetheart.
  14. laurie


    I'm so sorry.
  15. Patti, I'm so very, very sorry for your loss. We'll all miss her, and we'll all remember her.
  16. laurie

    Rapido Casino

    Heather and Ken, I am so very sorry for your loss. I bet the four months Casino had with you were the happiest of her life. Rest peacefully, sweet girl.
  17. I'm so sorry, Jay. What a Pretty angel she'll make.
  18. laurie


    {{{{{{{{Heather}}}}}}}} Rest peacefully, Dave.
  19. laurie

    Willow Is Gone

    I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's such a hard thing to go through when they leave us--remember she's always with you in your heart and in your memories of her.
  20. Merry Christmas, Iberia, and also to your mom.
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