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Everything posted by Sirocco_Nikki

  1. Sirocco_Nikki

    Eric Rogo

    With a heart that big, I am betting Eric has another job in heaven; he can help guide all the lost pups home.
  2. Sirocco_Nikki

    My Quinnie

    Godspeed Quinn. Run fast and free until you are with your family again.
  3. I am glad that Jasper did not have problems getting off prednisone. It is important to always discuss weaning off prednisone with the vet first. Coming off too quickly can be fatal. I took care of several people in the hospital who ended up on life support because they thought they could wean themselves off according to their schedule instead of their doctor's and pharmacist's.
  4. Run fast and free Earl until you are with your family again.
  5. I understand. When we lost Polly a year after Chester, I felt as if someone had used a dull knife to rip my heart and lungs out. I too didn't know if I could handle losing another dog. However, 6 months later, I started seeing Chester laying in his favorite spots out of the corner of my eye. It felt as if he was trying to tell me that it was time to put my grief aside and help another dog in need. (He was a lab blend that was a true rescue.) I consider Sirocco, Nikki and Yukon an honor to his and Polly's memory. However, only you can decide what is right for you.
  6. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope Gigi sends you an extra-special sign soon that she is ok.
  7. Run fast and free Artemis. I hope you are having a wonderful time chasing bunnies and grazing.
  8. It took a lot of love to put your girl's comfort and welfare first. Run fast, strong and free at the bridge Milly until you are with your family again.
  9. I am very sorry for your loss. I hope you soon find peace and comfort in your memories of Troy. Run fast and free Troy.
  10. I am very sorry for the loss of your pretty girl. I hope she sends you a sign soon that she is ok.
  11. Run fast and free with your brother, Phoenix. Please send your family a sign soon that you are both ok.
  12. I hope you soon find peace and comfort in your memories of Clayton. It does get easier. My Polly & Chester have been gone 6 & 8 years. I still think of them often but now it is always with a smile.
  13. Sirocco_Nikki


    Caesar: Run fast, grump long, growl softly and snap happily at the bridge until you are with you family again.
  14. I am sorry for your loss. Hoping you soon find peace and comfort in your memories of Della's special patented zoomies.
  15. Kony: You are a true hero. May you run strong, brave and free at the bridge until you can be with your family again.
  16. Sending bunches of hugs, prayers and healing thoughts.
  17. Sirocco was diagnosed with pannus 3 years ago. Eye drops twice a day is just part of our normal routine. It is certainly a lot easier to deal with than trimming those darn black nails.
  18. Beautiful - artwork and thought.
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