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Everything posted by Greytlady94

  1. Thank you for your dedication to keeping Greytalk going. I cannot imagine the amount of time and effort (and money) this has taken. We all appreciate your hard work, your time, and your tech skills. We also appreciate your real job. Thank you!!
  2. I am so sorry. What a beautiful boy he was.
  3. We can each kick in a bit if needed, just let us know.
  4. Should we all at the data center? Just kidding... thank you for all your work Jeff!!
  5. She will live forever in the memory of all of those who loved her.
  6. I would definitely want to have this identified right away. There are "spots" that are harmless and others that can be deadly. I would ask the vet to do a needle aspiration biopsy and send it for diagnosis. My Teddy has a "spot" that came up on one of his toes and he is going in Tuesday to have it removed and sent to the lab for analysis and diagnosis. If it turns out to be bad we will amputate the toe.
  7. Thirty five Angels, so very sad.
  8. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. Wendy, I am so sorry. What a beautiful girl she was. The spooks are special gifts to those who get to share their lives.
  10. What a beautiful boy. Batman, run happy with all of our Bridge Angels.
  11. Jey, I am so, so sorry. Words don't help much I know, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and Zema. Run like the wind Batman.
  12. The smile on her face shows how much she was loved and how happy she was with you. I am so sorry for your loss.
  13. I am so sorry for your loss.
  14. I am so sorry for your loss.
  15. Denise, I am so sorry. What a special soul Wanda is.
  16. I am so sorry. What a beautiful face. Race with the angels sweet boy.
  17. I know how hard it hurts....I am so sorry.
  18. I understand that searing pain....I am so sorry.
  19. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry.
  20. Greytlady94


    I am so sorry.
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