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Everything posted by Fiona3

  1. Hoping that everything evens out for your boy and the blood pressure/thyroid issues come under control. Going day by day is the best way to proceed. He may be fine and this was only a one time event. All my good thoughts and wishes are with you.
  2. Our boy Hobbes was placed on Proin for urinary incontinence. He was a senior at the time. Within 5 days of starting on the Proin he had a stroke. The veterinary neurologist who treated him said he felt it was the result of taking the Proin. Although he slowly recovered from the stroke, he had some mild side affects & needed to take a mild dose of Prednisone daily. After our experience, I will look for other alternatives to Proin should any of our greys have incontinence problems.
  3. Jan, a beautiful wreath for LadyBug and so symbolic of the Bug surrounded by all the love she felt in Camp Greyhound.
  4. Jan, that was a beautiful and moving tribute to your sweet LadyBug. My tears are falling with yours on your loss. You both fought such a valiant battle to bring your little Peanut back to health. She was a brave little trooper and her soldier coat from Beryl was so meaningful and fitting for her to wear. There are so many photos of your Bug that I loved to see. Tucked on the couch with her brother Zeke-aroni, wearing her ladybug coat in a comfy roach position, standing in the yard wearing a fancy scarf and the photos of the "Pixies" at their outing last fall. Never far from her brother, always content and happy. LadyBug, a special little spirit, a sweet and loving girl who will be missed by so many of us who came to love seeing her adventures in Camp Greyhound. The day she came to live with you, Jan, was the best day of her life for you gave her the precious gift of continued life with her beloved brother. Godspeed sweet Bug - I will miss you.
  5. That was such a lovely and moving tribute to your beautiful Tatum. It is so easy to see that she had a wonderful life with you filled with many happy moments to cherish. Tatum will always be in your heart and when you welcome a new greyhound into your home, you will see the circle of life that began with Tatum continue on in all the new adventures you will experience. In so many ways, her spirit will be right by your side.
  6. Fiona3

    Missing Smiley

    That beautiful face. Smiley was indeed the perfect name for your boy! You can see his joy and happiness in that lovely photo. Smiley truly was a loved and cherished pup and will be remembered by so many people.
  7. What a great tip to keep in mind. You never know when something like this will be needed. I also use baby & toddler socks for various wounds. They are just the right size and help tremendously. Hoping for good news when you get the biopsy result! Heal soon Mafi!
  8. Jordan, that looks incredibly painful. All my good thoughts will be with your beautiful girl.
  9. Our Tasha has been a compulsive licker since we adopted her 8 years ago. It used to be just pillows or blankets or the couch but this year she started licking her front legs causing them to become inflamed & red. We have to treat them with a soothing spray and cover with the top half of toddler socks when it gets raw looking. Several trips to the vets have led to a conclusion that we could put her on Prozac or continue to treat topically. This is a dog that is otherwise well-adjusted, confident and seems happy. She just is a compulsive licker. We have chosen to avoid the sedative medication for now. Giving her more walks (weather permitting), special attention when the licking seems more intense has helped on those days she licks more often. There are calming herbal remedies for dogs that might work for your pup. One is called Happy Traveler which we ordered online from Murray Ave. Apothecary. It is given on an as needed basis. Here's the link: http://www.murrayavenuerx.com/ You can e-mail them and they might have some other suggestions for you as well. Good luck with your new girl. It's possible she is still settling in and this will resolve by itself. If you find it continues, perhaps there is something your vet can give her to help with the pacing & licking at night so both you and she can get more rest. Please keep us posted on how she is doing.
  10. Hi Susan and welcome to Grey Talk. Where are you located in New England?
  11. Zeke is 85 lbs. and a really big boy. We originally ordered the "F" which turned out to be too big. He can very comfortably wear the "E" size so I would recommend that for Teddy.
  12. Zeke had a terrible time with corns. We had great results with the cream from Murray Avenue Pharmacy. To soften the corn you could also try Protecta-Pad which is a paw pad and elbow cream for dogs. Good luck with whatever treatment you choose. The corns can be pretty painful.
  13. Fiona3


    From the album: Fiona3

  14. Fiona3


    From the album: Fiona3

  15. You might want to get a prescription from your vet for them for Flagyl to help with the diarrhea & stomach upset. We had a virus go thru all the pups two years ago. Same symptoms. They were put on rice & ground meat (hamburg, turkey or chicken) for two days, treated with Flagyl for the stomach problems and slowly had their normal food reintroduced over a couple of days. It's hard having several sick pups at the same time. Good luck and hope they recover quickly.
  16. Last spring, Zeke had edema in his leg starting at his ankle and working upward. The vet put a wrapping on his leg that was designed to help the fluid be re-absorbed. He was also on antibiotics to prevent any infection. His edema was the result of any injury and there was a slight splitting of skin from the swelling. It healed nicely and the wrap took care of the swelling. Good luck with your pup. Hope this resolves quickly for you.
  17. I am so sorry Larry had to leave. You did everything possible but it clearly was something that could not be healed. What you did heal was Larry's broken heart when you gave him a new home and life where he felt loved and cherished. That was an incredible gift. Please know we are all thinking of you, your DH and Ollie. Such a sad and heartbreaking time.
  18. Its wonderful to see that there has been this improvement in Larry. Steroids were a miracle for Hobbes at a time we though we were going to lose him. We found it helped to think of his progress in terms of "baby steps". Slow, steady, and gently moving forward. I'll be sending all my goods thoughts and prayers for continued recovery to sweet Larry. And hugs to you as well. You must be exhausted!
  19. Adrianne, I am so sorry to see this. Larry has stolen so many of our hearts with that sweet face. He has been blessed to have you in his life for the last 8 months. You have given Larry a loving and secure home at a time that he needed it most. I truly wish he could have been with you longer but you have made such a difference in Larry's life in the short time you had. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you comfort.
  20. I am so sorry to see that Larry has an injury and I can also see how terribly stressful this is for you. Fiona has a tendency to pull the muscle in one leg and it can be incredibly painful for her and to watch. The healing sometimes takes about two weeks with lots of rest and leash walking only to go outside. Metacam has helped her for the first few days, then a painkiller (such as Tramadol or Deramaxx). All my hopes and prayers will be with you and Larry that he has a smooth and quick recovery. He is a very special boy. Edited because I can't spell!
  21. I hadn't thought of adding the slit in the coat near the top where the leash could be pulled through. Good idea! We also have a harness that is a little too large for Callie but would go nicely over her coat. We'll try both ideas and see which one works the best and allows us good control while walking. Great suggestions - thanks so much. You guys are the best.
  22. For those of you folks who have their greyhounds wearing a harness, what do you do about their fleece coats in the cold weather? Callie only walks well with her harness but the leash attachment is on her back. Her fleece coat will cover it and we wouldn't have the control that we do now. Should be put the harness over the coat? Just wondering what the best solution is so we won't have to go back to a collar & leash for the cold weather.
  23. Dennis, how wonderful to hear from you. We spent some lovely times walking on Long Sands Beach in York with the group of greyhounds a few years ago. I have wondered how you and Suzie were doing. I am so sorry that Suzie has passed on. She was a such a sweet and gentle girl. Perhaps some day we will get to meet Rita on the beach as well. Welcome back!
  24. Beryl, my heart goes out to you on this difficult day. The birthdays or anniversaries of those we have loved and lost are always the hardest. Your twins would want you to remember them at their happiest times. Please know we are all thinking of you and wishing you to find some comfort in those sweetest memories.
  25. Kim, I am so sorry to read the news about Rainey. I don't have experience with seizure dogs but please know all my thoughts and prayers are with you and Rainey.
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