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Everything posted by gazehund

  1. Poor beautiful Joe!! That looks sore. Please give him a hug from me Angie.
  2. Triple crap. Continuing with prayers for Mahogany.
  3. I am so sorry for your loss.
  4. Holding you and Sprite in my thoughts and prayers.
  5. Oh no Hilda!! I am so sorry for your unexpected loss.
  6. I am so sorry for your loss.
  7. gazehund


    Oh no Wendy!! I am so very sorry for your loss. Rest well Snowman. You are loved.
  8. I truly, truly hate cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tara this next week. I am so sorry.
  9. Linda, I allowed Future to get the vaccine when I first brought him home. He had a horrible reaction to it. None of my other hounds have gotten it.
  10. Angie, how is Jack feeling today?
  11. So very young. I am so sorry for your loss.
  12. Awww crap. We are keeping Cullenman in our thoughts and prayers here. :hope
  13. Awwwww Jack the Lad. I am sorry you took a spill sweetie. Sounds like you are none the worse for wear. Paws up next time!
  14. Bev I am sorry Sally is gone too but I will always, always remember her with a smile. What a silly, quirky girl she was. Rest well darlin. Always loved you will be.
  15. Waaah! I do! Remember walking around with your hands in your pockets and the lights turned low so PearlGirl wouldn't have a heart attack? I would go through that all again to have another kiddo like Spotty. There's something so special about spooks. Sniffy..... I do!! We HAVE to get together soon. She, like Spotty, is still a spook, but what a different dog she is now. She is as Spotty was when I got to meet him. Great memories.
  16. Awwww Nance remember Dewey? I was excited to be able to pet Spotty and you were excited to get a hand on Pearl! Our two spotty spooks.
  17. Until we meet again sweet, spooky Spottydog. I am so sorry Sis. I know how much you miss Spotty.
  18. Oh Bev. I am so sorry and I am going to miss Sally terribly. It is about 1:00 there now. I will be thinking of you and your precious girl.
  19. Godspeed Ruben. I am so sorry for your loss. 16 years is a long time.
  20. Gee I don't know the protocal Xan, but I would not agree to having my dog sedated every 6 to 8 weeks either. Only one of my dogs has ever given blood and it was on an emergency basis while I was at the vet with him. Da Bones was the donor and as I have said many times over, he is truly unflappable. No sedation required for that one time.
  21. I am so sorry you have been put in this position. Prayers for a peaceful passing for Snowman and to you.
  22. I doubt it is his ankle becoming weaker. More likely his pad is soft from wearing the boot all the time. If you have ever seen or had a hound right off the track , it is kinda the same thing. Since they generally run and turnout on sand, their pads need to be toughened up (with short walks) to be able to walk comfortably on concrete, asphalt and dirt. Just my totally useless opinion, but there you have it.
  23. Kia sends her little bro sloppy kisses and hopes for many more good days ahead. Please keep us posted as you can Marcia. Hugs to all.
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