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Everything posted by Forevermybabies

  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Those memories of them are so dear.
  2. That was so sweet. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  3. I'm sorry you had to go through this Shirley.
  4. I'm so sorry. Our first greyhound died of lymphoma, and it was only 6 weeks from him getting sick to dying. It's just terrible. My heart goes out to you.
  5. Rex, I still have the picture that your mommy drew of you for my wall. You are missed and thought of often. So many of our beautiful friends surround you with love. Tonya, you have my sympathy.
  6. Oh, Diane...I'm so sorry. My heart just sank when I saw Magic's name in the Remembrance. At least she gets to spend this Christmas playing with her full heart at the Bridge. Hugs to you and yours. Tami
  7. I've got chills. What a great story. Max is such a lucky pup to have been discovered and loved by your family.
  8. Oh God..I am so very deeply sorry for your loss.
  9. So sad! I'm just shocked. Always seems so bizarre when tragedies hit so close to home.
  10. I'm so sorry for all your pain. I guess the thing I noticed in your post is that you seem to feel that you are supposed to "get over it." Honestly, I don't think you EVER get over it...you get past it. The hurt eases enough that you can start to focus on other things. I think grief is like carrying a heavy package over a hill. When you first start, it feels unbearable, and you can't believe that you have to go on. But you DO have to keep moving. As you climb, the package is lighter, but the hill is still steep. By the time you get to the top, you can look around and see that things are not as bad as you thought going up. Things will be okay. Then going down, you have to be careful. You are still aware that you are carrying a burden, but it isn't as heavy and you are going downhill...you start to feel like you will reach level ground soon. When you reach level ground, the burden is not so heavy, and is now something that you can look at clearly. It's the love and memories that you carry...and will carry with you always. You suffered not only a loss of a friend, but the additional burden of her added care, and the resentment you felt towards your husband for not helping as much as you felt he should, given his relationship with her, and also the resentment towards your mutual friends, who ask after him, and not you. But they couldn't know what a huge job you did, or how much love that took on your part. Anyway, this got long...my point is, that it DOES get better, and you will be okay. But it takes a long time for many people. My Joe passed away in August 2001. I STILL feel sad when I think about him. But I can think about how funny and sweet he was. I can remember his life, and not dwell so much on his death. He is always here with us because he is in our hearts. I still cry for him, but not very often after three years. That first year...I was a basket case. Anyone brought him up, and I went to pieces. You are perfectly normal. And you WILL be okay.
  11. I'm so sorry. Time heals, but the scar remains forever.
  12. I'm so sorry. What a tragic loss.
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