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Everything posted by bjnno1

  1. I KNOW I KNOW.. I should not have replied But Diane, it hasn't even been a week yet! You NEED to grieve, it's TOTALLY normal!!!! It's HEALTHY to cry!!! The thread will fall to the next page when it's time. Don't rush it!!!
  2. bjnno1


    I'm so sorry for your loss
  3. I'm so sorry for your loss
  4. How sweet of you to think of your little girl being embraced by Fudgie....made me cry. We all know that they are there for one another and to look out for each other. 1607718[/snapback] Ditto that! Welcome to the board, I wish you would have found us sooner, but stick around O.K.
  5. I have to agree, the more I think about it, the more I think Fudgie sent you to find shadow and take him home. I was even talking about it at dinner and teared up and got all goose bumpy...
  6. WOW Diane.... I'm speechless
  7. Just thinkin bout cha' Diane
  8. bjnno1


    I'm so sorry for your loss
  9. Diane, Those feelings are COMPLETLY understandable and DO NOT feel guilty for talking about it, THAT is what WE are here for. GET IT ALL OUT, if you feel you need to say more and don't feel comfortable saying it here, write it in your blog, write it on a piece of paper and then rip it to shreads, get in your car and drive where no one will see you and scream it to the top of your lungs. BUT GET IT OUT!!! Don't you feel so much better for getting that off your chest????? I don't blame you for not wanting to have an autopsy performed, I think I would feel the same way. But sweetie, YOU KNOW you would have noticed if there were ANYTHING out of the ordinary and if there were ANYTHING you could have done. Things like this just happen sometimes and it sucks. My grandpa died unexpectedly on Leap Year Day several years ago. He went to the hospital to get a shot of cortozone in his shoulder and somehow he ended up dead. My grandma didn't even get to say good bye to him, she never knew ANYTHING was wrong. To this day she beats herself up over it and there is NOTHING she could have done, just like this case with Fudgie. We ALL went through A LOT of grief and anger over that, because there was NO WARNING and NO EXPLANATION. You will have these feelings and they are completly NORMAL!! So don't feel bad for feeling that way O.K.
  10. Just thinking about you girl Love you!!!!!
  11. Diane, It's none of my business, but please share this with your kids. Kids really are smarter than people give them credit and they WANT to grieve with you. I remember when I was 12 and my brother broke his neck in an accident and they didn't know if he was going to make it. I was out of town with my grandparents at the time and KNEW something was wrong. Just a feeling, I was sick to my stomach with worry and remember being angry because my parents DIDN'T tell me until they knew he was going to live. I knew all along something was wrong and WANTED to know not because I was nosy, but because I WANTED to share those moments with my family. (GOOD TIMES AND BAD TIMES) It's OK to cry and actually it's HEALTHY to cry. It's perfectly NORMAL, you LOVED him with all your heart (and still do) you really need to share that with your family. It's so weird because when I was even younger than that, my dog was killed by a car (she was 8 years old) I remember my mom and my older sister sitting on the front porch crying and I just hugged them. Even though I was also distraught inside, I was the stronger one (at that moment) and It made me feel so good to be able to share with them.. I don't know I can't explain it and hope I make sense by my words I'm typing. I'm just hurting so bad for you right now, I'm just heartbroken and want to do what ever I can to make you feel better.
  12. Diane, I wish so much I was close to you and could be there for you. I know you must be feeling so emotional and out of control, but BELIEVE ME, that is totally normal right now. Don't hold back and just let the feelings flow. WE UNDERSTAND!!!! Give Goods extra kisses and scritches from me and he will give them back to you. You need that right now more than ever.
  13. Diane OMG I am SOOOO SORRY I JUST got back from Chicago and this is the first thread I read. Kari had PMed me and told me what happened. I am in total shock and don't know what to say other than PLEASE do not beat yourself up over this, which I know is easier said than done. You love your dogs more than ANYTHING and that shows and you would never do anything to hurt them. There may not have been anything you could have done just like Judy said. I am just so sorry that this happened so suddenly and wish there was more I could say or do. If you EVER need to talk, PLEASE call me or e-mail or PM me. You know I love you and am here for you girl. Hang in there, we've ALL been through losses and NO ONE has been there for me like my Greytalk family has been. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU WHEN EVER you need a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to.
  14. Actually I'm a nose picker too... Major gets big boogies in his nose.. I'm talking people boogers, big green ones
  15. I'm B.J. and I'm a picker!!! Black Jack has a few, he's a good boy and just lay's there while I squeeze them out.
  16. Does it show the members names who were on but not logged in???
  17. :cry1 the poem on page 1
  18. bjnno1


    I am at a loss for words
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