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Everything posted by bjnno1

  1. OMG! Has it been that long already? I remember when you got her and wanted to keep her. I had tears in my eyes when you posted the story and tears in my eyes today It's just not fair!!!!! I'm so sorry for CC and your family
  2. Didn't you get that check for $60,000.00 that I sent to you??? :lol Back Off sister he's at the beach with his woman!!! He'll get to it later!!! :lol
  3. bjnno1


    I'm so sorry
  4. bjnno1

    Breezin Bumper

    Yep she sure was!!!!
  5. UGH!!! Gosh Sherry, I am so sorry Sending cyber hugs your way I wish there was more I could do.
  6. bjnno1

    Breezin Bumper

    OMG Barbi, I'm SO Sorry I have a lump in my throat and tears running down my cheek as I type. I'm going to be in Florida this weekend, CALL ME if you need me to talk to, cry, hug, whatever!!! I'm only there Friday night - Sunday so I would love to see you (as always) but I know times like this you might just need a shoulder to cry on. Mine is available!!!!!!!! I am sooo sooo sorry Run at the bridge you sweet girl!! You will be missed
  7. bjnno1


    I'm so sorry Diane He was so lucky to have you! He's not in pain anymore
  8. I'll need some for our event in July, but I think you and Trudy should deliver them in person We are having a GREYTALK cocktail party after all oh... and I promise we won't get kicked out of this one :lol
  9. bjnno1


    Is that an INVITE?!?!?!?! Maybe I will!!! Maybe we could get Jennifer to come the same time!!! ANYTIME baby!!! Just name the time and I've got the place (except for March 2 - 6th cuz I'll be in Florida) seriously, I'd LOVE to have you come visit
  10. bjnno1


    Traveling??? hmmm I don't remember a visit to my house you'll know when you are ready
  11. Well I'm off work now and think I will join you in that Beer
  12. There would be nothing to type. :lol or just pictures of COLD BEER and HOT GUYS
  13. Actually drinking a beer now, I think you should bring me another !! well I have 10 minutes before I can "officially" join you. Must be nice to sit at home all day and drink brewski's while improving greytalk :lol
  14. I like it when my words are mispelleed.
  15. can you fix it so it will automatically type what I am thinking? It's hard to type when my fingers are cold. just sayin'
  16. Jeff, when are you going to add the feature that gets me a beer??? :lol
  17. I have no idea what you just said :lol
  18. Thanks Jeff, just checked my McAfee and everything is A-O.K.
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