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Everything posted by greymomnc

  1. I want to thank everyone for their prayers and support over the last couple of weeks. Miss Jackie O passed away this morning at the vet's office. My husband and Miss Jonelle were with us. She went very peacefully to the bridge. She and Miss Magic are together again. We had hoped that prednisone would buy us a little more time but she went downhill very quickly and after not eating much of anything yesterday she let us know that she was ready. What a special friend she was. We adopted her at age 9 and she had just turned 13 in May. She had been through so much in her life but she was able to bring so much to ours. Thank you Miss Jackie for all that you shared with us. We love you and miss you very much. Until we meet another day....run free sweetie.....
  2. I'm sorry. Thank you for telling us about him and sharing his pictures with us. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  3. Sending many prayers for your girl! :hope
  4. Little Miss Jackie (age 13) has just been diagnosed with Lymphoma. It is in the abdominal area. After much consideration, we have decided not to do chemo but to start her on prednisone. Due to her age, and her somewhat neurotic nature, I just couldn't put her through chemo. I think the weekly trips to the vet would just be too much for her. She has been on rimadyl for her spondylitis and has to be off of that for 10 days before we can begin the prednisone. I just want whatever time she has left with us to be comfortable. She came to us at age 9 after being fostered by greytalker amysgreys. She had been bounced from home to home and was found wandering the streets of Charlotte, NC. She is a petite little girl. Very much a little drama queen. She and the late Miss Magic found each other at the GFNC Christmas drop-in. My two little old ladies. . I'm praying we have many more days left together. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Carla and Jackie
  5. Oh DeVon, I'm sorry you are going through so much. Sending many prayers. :hope
  6. greymomnc


    I'm sorry. I know you are missing him right now. Sending prayers for you heart to heal.
  7. I'm so sorry. I know you are missing him right now. Sending prayers for your hearts to heal.
  8. Goodbye Skittle. We'll miss you.
  9. DeVon, I'm just now seeing this. Sending many prayers for Skittles!!! :hope
  10. I'll be praying for your girl and for you and your family. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. :hope
  11. greymomnc


    I'm so sorry. She is a beautiful girl. I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  12. That is a cute pup you have there! I love his name too!
  13. I'm sorry. I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  14. I'm so sorry to read this. Sending many prayers for your hearts to heal.
  15. greymomnc

    One Year Ago

    I know.....and you will meet again.....
  16. I'm so sorry. I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for your hearts to heal.
  17. greymomnc


    I am shocked and so very sorry to read this. Sending many prayers for your hearts to heal.
  18. I'm sorry. Sending many prayers for your hearts to heal.
  19. I am so sorry. I always enjoyed your posts about her---how she was set in her ways and kept the others in line. She reminded me of the late Miss Magic. Sending prayers for your hearts to heal.
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