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Everything posted by greymomnc

  1. greymomnc


    I'm sorry. Your story about Onyx and you reminds me so much of Magic and me. So many things are similar including losing our girls to kidney disease. We lost Magic in March. I know the sadness you are feeling. Thank you for telling us about her. How lucky you both were to have each other. Sending prayers for you heart to heal.
  2. I'm sorry. I know you are missing him right now. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  3. greymomnc


    I'm sorry. Thank you for telling us about her. What a special girl she is. I know you are missing her. We lost our Miss Magic to kidney disease in March. I know how much it hurts. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  4. I am so sorry. He is a beautiful boy. Thank you for sharing his story and his picture with us. Sending prayers for you hearts to heal. I know you miss him.
  5. I am so sorry. She is a beautiful girl and I know you miss her.
  6. greymomnc

    Another Angel

    What a beautiful girl. I am so sorry.
  7. I am so sad reading this and even more sorry for you. He is one of my favorites and always will be. I know you are missing him right now. Sending prayers for your heart to heal. Hugs to you and Miss Zema.
  8. What a beautiful and special girl. Thank you for telling us about her and sharing so many wonderful pictures. Her personality sounds so much like my angel Miss Magic. We lost her in March. I know you miss your girl right now. I'm sorry.
  9. I'm so sorry. He is a beautiful boy. I know you are missing him right now. Sending prayers.
  10. I'm so sorry about Yoshi. Thank you for taking care of him and loving him. I'm sure he and Benny are together.
  11. greymomnc


    I'm sorry. Connor sounds like a wonderful boy. You kept your promise and he would thank you for that.
  12. greymomnc

    Cam's Brittni

    I'm sorry. Your girl is beautiful and I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for you heart to heal.
  13. Happy Gotcha Day Sophia!! You are one special lady.
  14. I'm sorry. You made a very difficult decision out of love. She knows how much you loved her and she is OK now. Sending prayers for your hearts to heal.
  15. I am sorry to read about Vicky. She is a beautiful girl. I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for you heart to heal.
  17. greymomnc

    Sad News

    Sending sympathy to Susan's family. I am so sorry.
  18. greymomnc


    I am so sorry about Susie. I remember when she was looking for a home and I was so thrilled when I saw that you had adopted her. I enjoyed reading about her and looking at her pictures. She is so precious. Thank you for taking such good care of her. I know you are missing her right now. Sending prayers for you hearts to heal.
  19. I'm so happy for you! This will help your heart to heal and you know I'm speaking from recent experience.
  20. greymomnc

    Good-bye Omar

    I am sorry. He is a beautiful boy and I know you are missing him right now. Sending many prayers for your hearts to heal.
  21. greymomnc


    She is a beautiful girl. I know the pain you are feeling. Thank you for telling us about her and sharing her pictures. I'm sure she would thank you for taking care of her and giving her a loving home. Just take each day as it comes. You will be in my prayers.
  22. He is beautiful. I know you are missing him right now. We lost our Miss Magic in early March right after she turned 13. She is my heart dog. She came to me the night she passed away in a dream and I truly believe that is the only reason I've been able to cope. Sending prayers for your heart to heal.
  23. I am so sorry. You did everything you could for your girl. You must remember that. I know you are missing her right now. Just take one day at a time. Sending prayers for your hearts to heal.
  24. Thank you for giving him a loving home. I am so sorry.
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