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Everything posted by LadyBailey

  1. Sending good thoughts. She's in good hands at OSU.
  2. How it pains me to know exactly what you are feeling. I hate cancer. Good to hear that the surgery went well. They are unreal how they bounce back. It was so amazing watching Carrier after his surgery. There were times when I felt awful that we did it, but he was strong and determined to be same ol' boy. I am sure that Asia will wow you too. Sending a million good thoughts to you and Asia. I am sure that Darius is watching down on her.
  3. Hi everyone, I can't believe that so soon after our sweet Carrier left us, we are dealing with another medical crisis. Here is a copy of my post on CoG - sorry for the cut and paste, but my brain is functioning properly. Please send good thoughts and any advice on this would be great as the search function on GT isn't working. thanks, eva ------ Copy of CoG post. Hi Everyone, Our greyhound Bailey, who is angel Carrier's littermate, bloated last night. She is going to be 11 on October 13. We responded quickly to her symptoms and rushed her to the e-vet and they were able to tube her and release the gas in her tummy that way. That was 4:30 this morning. They kept her for the morning on IV's and I called at 7 for an update. They told me that they tubed her again and her tummy was not full of gas, so that is good and she is doing fairly well. Her regular vet picked her up at 7:30 and brought her back to their clinic. They are taking an xray right now and we are waiting to hear what is going on and what the next steps are. Anyone with experience with this, please let me know. Healing thoughts are appreciated too (((Hugs))) eva and angel carrier... and our sweet Bailey girl UPDATE 10:00 We went out to see her and speak to the vet. They took another xray and she is getting bloated again. Their reco was to do the surgery to tack her stomach down to prevent torsion. She is distressed and looks angry. (that's our girl ) They will do the surgery this morning. Andy and Ella are pretty lost this morning and just keep looking for her outside. She is our alpha female and they completely adore her. Please send good thoughts. I am sure Carrier is watching down on her. thanks everyone.
  4. LadyBailey


    Joslin I am so sorry. I wish I could give you a great big hug right now. I know my boy was there to greet Cuffy. Our two fawn beauties are probably having a great big glass of Guinness and watching down on us. Run free sweet Cuffy... you will be missed, but never forgotten.
  5. It sounds very promising that he is eating a little more each day. After Carrier was done his chemo treatments they offered that we continue with daily chemo but we declined. We felt that he had enough - amputation and 6 rounds of hard core chemo. Strangely we didn't feel guilty by not giving him the daily chemo because, like Hershey, Carrier also was not 100% after his treatments. That alone helped make our decision to allow him to live as normally as possible for what ever time he had left. I am glad that you are going to get an ultrasound and chest xray to see where he is at. He's a lucky boy to have. Making these choices for them is the most difficult thing in the world, but it sounds like Hershey is there to tell you what he needs. hugs to both.
  6. your inbox is full. here is the email that I use for dr couto couto.1@osu.edu
  7. I am so sorry. Run free sweet girl.
  8. I still can't believe that he's not here with us... my heart breaks but I have been healing slowly by continuing to do things for our boy. It started by honoring him with a special shrine in our home (which is still adorned) you can see past photos here Carrier's Shrine. As the warm weather came, I felt that I had to continue this outside. I wanted his memory to be everywhere, so what better place than where he loved to dig holes... big ones! This is Carrier last summer in his "hole" - he didn't like to be dirty, but when it came to true "dirt" he didn't mind a bit! This has now become "Carrier's Garden" and it has taken some time to find the perfect flowers and decor. The first flower that I started with were "Forget-me-nots", in blue and white. The next addition was a beautiful flower called, "Stairway to heaven" which sits at the top of his garden. All the other flowers have white blooms to represent Carrier as an angel: daisies, Solomon's Seal, Carpathian Bellflower, Sweet Woodruff, Lily of the Valley and Irish Moss. The word "Love" was an obvious addition. And when I found this custom stainless steel artwork with a dog howling, it couldn't have been more perfect to show how our boy would Roo. The lilac wasn't in full bloom yet, but when it did bloom, it was in abundance. He loved that spot so much. Miss him so much.
  9. I am so sorry. Darius was one of my favourites on GT. He reminded me so much of my Carrier. I just loved his sweet handsome face. Run free sweet boy.... you are missed.
  10. I would check her feet thoroughly for any possible cuts or sores and also for corns. hold each paw in your hand and use your fingers to push down on each pad to see if you get a reaction. Also check in between her toes for foreign objects. One time one of our dogs had a piece of their nail caught in a crevice in their pad. All we could see was a white dot but I picked it out and it ended up being fairly large. They were limping for a week because of it but in the end it was a simple problem. He would walk fine on grass and in the house, but once he was on the road/sidewalk, he would limp hard.
  11. Sending more prayers for you girl. Please keep us posted on she is doing.
  12. LadyBailey


    I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Snowy. Run free sweet girl.
  13. I am so sorry. Run free Ricco.
  14. Over on Circle of Grey, we are celebrating... with Guinness!!!!!!!
  15. Glad you got a sign... they are the best and gosh how they make you cry. My boy sent us quite a few... i love them
  16. I am so sorry to hear about your girl. Our Carrier had a 3 x 5 cm tumor at the base of his heart, but they said that it wasn't affecting or "touching" anything, so supposedly it didn't have any ill effects on they way his heart was functioning in terms of impeding flow or anything. Since Carrier already had cancer, was a tripod and was having heart problems, we opted not to do any biopsy on the heart as going in there would have put a lot of stress on him. This was also the recommendation of his oncologist not to do it. They suspected that it was either a chemodetoma - a slow growing tumor that doesn't respond to chemo drugs, or it was the osteosarcoma metastasizing in his heart. We also didn't have a clue as to how long it had been there. Shortly after the tumor was discovered, he started having an arrhythmia and was in ICU with a heart beat of 250/minute. They stabilized him and sent him home the next day. In calm situations his heart would beat at 90 - 120/minute but when he was stressed - aka at the vets, it would sky rocket. So we tried to avoid this as much as possible. That was in February. We lost him on March 30 and suspect it was the tumor or a blood clot that did it. They informed me that once the tumor ruptures, things can go bad really fast. Something happened to him at 11:30pm and by 10:30 am we had to let him go. I don't want to scare you.. I am only sharing what happened with Carrier's heart tumor. Some things to take into consideration ... since your girl is 10 and is experiencing this, a biopsy and or surgery might be quite tough on her. I would try to get her in to see a cardiologist asap to assess the situation. Sending many prayers to you and your girl.
  17. Good to hear that he is home. Sending more prayers and healing thoughts your way.
  18. Sending more prayers today. Stay strong Bodie boy - you are a star.
  19. We weren't going to vaccinate the dogs this year, but we live in the country and there are raccoons and other animals that live in the woods behind us and our guys are notorious pee lickers, so with this in mind we weren't comfortable not giving the lepto vaccine...which we have been giving for the last 5 years without problem. They got their shot last Saturday and a few days later, we would hear Andy whimper a few times a day when sitting down or getting up. the whimper is the same as when they are scratching their ears and nail gets them in the inside of their ears - so it's not a death scream or loud cry, it's more of a "ouch, that hurt so I am going to be sucky". Not to downplay it, but that is what it sounds like... anyway... last night Andy did it three times and he seems very stiff in his neck. We massaged him and put on a heating pad - he seemed to really enjoy it. When he sits down, he doesn't put his head down right away, but waits until I prop a blanket under his chin and then he rests his head down. He is eating normally, sleeping well... in REM and wagging his tail as he dreams. But he doesn't want to stand for long and prefers to run back in side as soon as I take him for a pee. I called the vet and they told me that this is normal after a vaccine injection and to continue with metacam for the next few days. we gave him some last night and that seemed to settle him. Has anyone had this happen to their dogs before? I am thinking a visit to the chiro might be in order.
  20. We'll miss you Stanley. Run free and strong. Say hello to our boy.
  21. The flowers just keep blooming in our yard this year. Last spring we didn't have nearly as many flowers. So of course we are enjoying them inside and out. We also have an abundance of new life in our yard. Many of our goldfish are pregnant in the pond. We had mourning dove babies and at the moment we have baby robins. The animal communicator told us that every time we see a robin, it's Carrier saying hello. Which is interesting because the Robin is my favourite bird. There is always a robin sitting on the fence when we get home and it stares right at us - kind strange, but nice. And the other sweet little babies that we have are bunnies. Carrier must have sent all these wonderful animals to us and the flowers continue to grow for our boy... May 1 One of the bunnies May 4 - five weeks since our boy left us
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