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Everything posted by Newgreymom

  1. Dylan had his depo medrol injection about a month ago and we have really noticed some positive changes. He hasn't wagged his tail in a long time and now it's like a helicopter again!! He will be 13 next month so some of the weakness is still there, but it really helped with mobility. I never asked how long you have to wait after a depo injection before they can have Rimadyl again. He never did get Rimadyl on a regular basis, but on an as need basis only.
  2. So glad someone is trying to reach out to you. Please let them help. My vet calls what Scotch has "painful greyhound syndrome" which just means they are having spasms in their back. Dylan didn't lay down for almost 12 straight hrs. Took him to evet and they started the Methocarb by IV and the next day he came out from the back completely normal.
  3. Dylan had NO side effects from Methocarbomol. Side effects vs euthanasia, I would rather see if he had any side effects before I PTS. I know you are struggling right now and I'm sorry. Really think you should reach out to the group you adopted him from. Someone will help you! Praying things work out for you....
  4. He needs Robaxin (methocarbmamol ). It is a muscle relaxant and should not be a problem with his GI issues. This same thing happened to my Dylan and a loading dose of Robaxin worked like a miracle.
  5. Yes he is. It was almost like he had a small anxiety attack. He was completely normal today. What are your thoughts on Prilosec vs Pepcid?? He's been on Prilosec as he gets a little puky (yellow bile) once in awhile. Thanks for checking on him...
  6. Tracy, eating, peeing and pooping normal. Could his back hurt from the injection? My knee was sore for a few days after my cortisone shot. He's resting comfortably now. I turned the heat down a little, hoping that helps. Forgot to mention, he is not the most stoic dog I've ever met...
  7. Tracy, no on both counts. We have been diligent about the water intake/output and it's totally the same. Just the panting...
  8. Tracy, he was panting yesterday also, but just seems more constant today. He's resting right now and I've turned the heat down. Will this subside quick or will it be long term?
  9. Pam, I've been looking it up and low and behold, panting can be a side effect. I'm the kind of person who just freaks out over my dog when something isn't quite right...I think I'm crazy.
  10. Dylan had his Depo injection on Friday night and is doing great mobility wise. Today we noticed he was panting quite a bit. Can this be a side effect? I have a call into our Vet right now. His temp is normal. I just took it...
  11. Dylan did very well!! Had the shot on Friday about 5:30 and so far doing well. We noticed when he poops, he's not walking along. He actually is staying in the same squatting position. Hasn't knuckled over but still shuffling a bit. It hasn't been even 24hrs yet. How long before you know if it worked or not???
  12. Dylan is having his first depo medrol shot on Friday for LS. He will be 13 in April and I'm nervous about the shot. Haven't heard a lot of negatives but just being a worried Mom. He's already on Gabapentin every day and Tramadol as needed...please send good thoughts...the Vet who is administering the shot was taught by Dr. Herron..
  13. Dr. Julie Mayer...she was our holistic vet when she practiced in Chicago. she's the best!!
  14. Just wondering how beautiful Nell is doing and if the area is clearing up?
  15. Daisy didn't require sedation, just numbed the eye and a tech held her while vet "scraped" they eye..
  16. No peroxide. I'm not sure why, but that's what we were told...she looks really good!
  17. Lucy, Daisy had an indolent ulcer on her eye. Not sure if it's the same thing, but they had to "scrape" her eye and after that it healed up perfectly. We tried the drops and ointments first. Is there a veterinary ophthalmologist in your area??
  18. She looks really good!! I'm sure she's so happy to be at home.
  19. What a great update. Hope she slept all night through...
  20. Praying Nell has a peaceful night and the swelling starts to go down...
  21. So glad things seem to be going well. The minute you mentioned Dr. Robbins, I knew you were at the Specialty Clinic in Buffalo Grove!! The best place ever. They saved our Dalmatians life 13 years ago. He has since passed but they gave us a great 2 extra years. Dr. Robbins use to take care of the animals at the Shedd Aquarium.. He and his wife are phenomenal vets.God bless and keep us posted...
  22. Dylan was scheduled for a depo medrol injection next week. He fell (splayed) yesterday and I've had to give him Rimadyl that past 2 days along with Tramadol and his daily Gabapentin. He seems much better today so I may not give him any more Rimadyl. How long should we wait for the 2 days of Rimadyl dosing before the DM injection? His vet is in sunny Jamaica right now...lucky her!!
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