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Everything posted by Patsy

  1. Argos, you manage to make that quite the "look"! Very distinguished. Take it easy on your mom--play by the rules for 3 weeks--and then it'll be all done!
  2. Never underestimate the power of ones favorite stuffed pig! Looking forward to an update on the teleconference. Scritches, of course.
  3. I absolutely refuse to believe such a thing of our Angel Lady Sophia!
  4. A gentle journey to sweet Dallas and hugs to you all.
  5. Good to have the update--and love the frilly collar!
  6. chanting: lump is nothing, lump is nothing, lump is nothing
  7. Happy thoughts and safe driving thoughts are following you!
  8. Hoping the x-rays have been taken by now and you all have a plan of action. Ouch--that hurt just to read about!
  9. Miles! Good boy--you keep on eating and you'll feel better.
  10. Patsy

    Cody Angelo

    I'm glad we had one last Poodle Talk! Hugs
  11. par-tayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Great news!
  12. Patsy


    Can't you just see him up there, pointing you out to his new Angel friends . . . . "that's my new mom! She loved me and gave me a beautiful new collar and gave the most wonerful tummy rubs!" Could we have some pictures??
  13. Enjoy your sisters, sweetie--and please send your family a sign, I think they really need it!
  14. New chant and lit candle . . . . hoping for a good waking up and a peaceful evening.
  15. What a picture! Lovely!!
  16. Redoubling good thoughts and white light.
  17. . . . . chanting . . . . chanting . . . . chanting
  18. Hang in there, Blue, and let the nice folks figure out what's going on.
  19. Sending all the white light North Dakota can muster.
  20. Maybe you could post some pictures of your sweet Charlie for us?
  21. White light is coming for both of you.
  22. Good news--sleep tight, Gypsy, and heal . . . . and when you wake up, eat whatever your mom's trying to give you.
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