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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Argh! There was a pin moving around in her flesh and bone? Gee, I don't suppose that could hurt or anything! :rolleyes: OWWWW!!!


    Well, that's the past. I so hope that she can find some peace from pain now, get some food in her, and start healing!!


    If I weren't at the opposite end of the west coast, I'd come with you to your vet appointments. I hope you can find someone to come along!



  2. :bighug :bighug :bighug


    This is all very distressing for you all, and the waiting and not knowing can only make it harder.

    If you feel like you can't remember to ask questions to get clear answers when you're there with the vet, worried, paying attention to Mattie, is there a friend or can DH go with you to help? Maybe even take notes? There's a lot to keep track of, I'm sure, but if they knew you wanted detailed answers maybe they'd be able to give them better?

    Just a thought. I know it's helpful in lots of medical situations to have someone a little more objective there to keep track and ask question.


    Good luck!


  3. Agreeing with DD. Not at all in a scolding way, and betting you probably combed the place for evidence, but still. Your crew wear muzzles when you're not around? I remember you saying Huey was a problem?


    Anyway, at least he's HOME! How wonderful that you can manage his IV and all that. We'll be watching for all updates!


  4. Oh, I'm so sorry! Sally's indignant look and imperious tusks have made me a devoted fan - from afar, as would have suited her, I'm sure! I always think of her as the founding member of the Tusker Doos (with two of mine, Ford, maybe a few others I'm forgetting or haven't "met"), even though I'm betting she would have had nothing to do with such an organization.


    We'll be holding you gently in our thoughts today. The image of Sally NOT biting as you showered her with kisses will be a haze over everything I see today.


    :bighug :bighug :bighug

  5. Wow!! Hm. I wonder if there IS another blood bank nearby?


    Wow again! Just googled for vet. blood banks in our area, and found all this about the main vet, who's a pioneer in canine cancer treatment research! :blink:Dr. Ed Sullivan. That's just one link of many.


    I checked the website again, and they do ask their canine donors to come in every 8 weeks, and take about 450ml (less than two cups ... which is about what they take from humans!)


    There may not be another blood bank in our area. Hm!

  6. Thanks, Batmom. Yeah ... I asked them about greys and their experience. They do have "several" in their practice and program (it's also a hospital), but really, I wonder .... I will definitely ask them to try without sedation, first. I don't expect he'll be too cooperative about the tooth scaling, though. :unsure:

  7. Hm. Just talked to her again. She says it's a VERY light sedation with something that sounded like "dex domator" (not having any luck looking it up) reversed by anticiden (sp?), that they're only under for about 10 minutes, and even while under they often react to people around them with their eyes, or wagging a tail. She says they used to try without sedation, but just couldn't get a full draw.


    I mentioned that others have said their dogs were not sedated, and she said maybe the owners weren't told, but she knew other blood banks do this. She didn't say ALL blood banks do it. She was very nice and all, said most owners are taken aback at first, but the dogs show no effects at all, walking around normally as soon as the reversal drug is in.


    While the dog is out, they will also scale the teeth, clean the ears and trim the nails. Cool! ....


    Or, NOT cool??? :blink:


    Oh yeah, and she said they could try it without first.

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