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Posts posted by Xan

  1. First of all, welcome and take a deep breath! I can only imagine.


    Some things that might help:

    1. Use an enzymatic cleaner to make sure you get any scent (even if YOU can't smell it!) out of the places she's pottied.

    2. Umbilical cord time. This is where you leash her to you all day and evening, whenever she's out of her crate (if she uses one and can keep it clean). That way, you'll be aware of the signs immediately, and will be more able to react at the moment to redirect her and whisk her outside.

    3. Try to remain calm about this. It's been a very short time for her, and she's probably still pretty wierded out, not knowing what the rules are about anything. When she does potty outside, make a big happy deal out of it, even treats, happy talk, petting.

    4. (and this could be #1) Rule out a physical problem.


    If you follow this routine for a few days, it should work out alright.

    Many more people will come in with experience and advice.

    Good luck! Hang in there!


    Oh, you were posting while I was writing, so I'll add:

    If she's only able to potty while on leash, that might be part of the problem. So many greys can be leash-shy. I have one that will pee but NOT poop on leash (yet!), who has to be let loose in the yard to get herself properly emptied out, even after a good walk.

    Again, she's so new to all of this. Try the umbilical technique. It will work. :)

  2. Good for you! $5 sounds like a great deal...for both dogs??


    Last weekend, I took my biggest whiney-butt girl down to my friend's house (an hour and a half drive) to trim her nails for me, and she even provided the treats! For me and Wabi! :lol


    Oh, boy, that all sounds so bad! :P I've got to stop posting so late at night! :lol

  3. Jenn ... :bighug

    Sweet Cinder, we're missing you down here, but I bet you're having a good time up there, telling everyone the rules and having the occasional wild hair spinny! :wub:

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