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Everything posted by Xan

  1. : That's why I'm so amazed I didn't connect that this was made from insects! I certainly have heard of Spanish Fly, and knew that Cantharis was a homeopathic based on it. I guess somehow I assumed it was ... an herbal thing. Duh!!! Enough hijack though!
  2. Beetles??? I did not know this! Ack! Ptui! Why did I not know this? Well, for those who are not vegans, or whose pets are not vegans, it still works. Me, I will now confine myself to cranberry, ACV and cream of tartar.
  3. Here's something that's been REALLY helpful for my cats with their old-cat UTIs: homeopathic Cantharis. I use it myself, and all of us can attest that, if you hit it as soon as you see signs, it can knock down the UTI without having to resort to a long course of antibiotics (and all that implies). Not every single time, but MOST times. That said, I have long since added pure cranberry juice to their wet food, and they not only like it, but the combo (wet food + cranberry) seems to have taken care of the problem all together. Not sure how this would translate to a dog (yet), but it's worth a try! As for being played, that too is possible! Good luck!
  4. Xan


    My heart is full of hugs for you now. The emptiness will be hard to deal with for awhile. Take it slow, and take care of yourself. :bighug
  5. Poor Spriet! Is there a range of motion that can be maybe splinted, so maybe longer walks can be taken with a splint?? Just brain-storming here. Splints might be more uncomfortable than limping though! Hugs to you both!
  6. How did it go? Any further thoughts on what it was?
  7. Oh no. Do they have a laser there? I don't know if that would help with a bigger vessel, but ... Maybe I'm just grasping at straws for you. I've got all my limbs and digits tightly crossed for you all!!
  8. Xan


    Your loss is as great as your love for Brenda. To love so well is a great gift, even if the price is so high. :bighug
  9. Xan

    My Cat Neumann

    Farewell, Neumann. You are still loved in the warm heart that has held you through your whole life. :bighug
  10. The losses of Lady, Princess and now your Teddy, on top of your fears for your DH ... Oh my goodness! You have way too much going on! I hope you have friends, family, and/or other support to help you deal with all this. You deserve to have support; if you don't have it right now, please find some! :bighug
  11. Carolyn! Yikes! That sounds like a nightmare! Poor Duke and you guys! Not to mention, the whole time the cat box was out of commission! We actually cut a cat door in our bedroom door. The cats can come and go during the day, and the dogs can't get in there, then it switches at night. We've been "blessed" with all of our dogs, ever, being happy to eat cat poop. *sigh* Lucky you, Susan!
  12. Yeah, both of us, to be accurate! Luckily, things seem to have settled on their own. Thank goodness!
  13. Ah, yes! All the barriers and box re-designs! We're using large plastic containers with lids, and a hole cut in the side. If we put the hole either up about 8" from the wall, or under an overhanging bookshelf, that seems to work for everyone. Provided there isn't much spill. I saw this great cabinet re-do on Instructables, I think. I can't find the same one, now. It had it all covered: keeping the litter box out of reach, the opening out of reach (to dogs), and a place to collect the inevitable tracked litter before it gets to the floor. Might have to do that, one of these days!
  14. ... My past poop-eater, the nonetheless deeply missed Wabi, taught me that one without asking if I needed the lesson! This, too, I have learned!
  15. Thanks. That was my sense, too. No cat litter was consumed, since the cat had pooped on the RUG!
  16. My delicate flower Katie discovered some out-of-the-box cat poop before I did this morning, and helped herself to a little pre-breakfast snack. It's post-breakfast, and she's obviously not too happy with the resulting mixture. Any suggestions to help settle her stomach? Or, on the other hand, should I just let the bad associations simmer, as it were? It can't do her any lasting harm, right? The cats aren't on any medication that would cause her to react.
  17. Wow. The universe just doesn't understand "fair" or "enough's enough, already!" That's hopeful news, that she's home and even taking a little run around. Her poor face looks gruesome now, but it will heal, and all will be well. That's what I'm chanting, anyway!
  18. Augh! That last photo! It's a smile reflected in a tear! Many hugs to you, Brandi. Words only go so far, but I hope the spirit behind them can touch you even at this distance. :bighug
  19. Xan


    Farewell, Lath! May the memory of your cussing and hissing become a lullaby to sooth your human's sad heart.
  20. Xan


    I saw Hurley's name. I went to click, and then ... I looked at what forum ... I'm so sorry for your huge loss. Hurley has left a huge hole. I hope it won't be too long before that hole fills in with a pool of memories where you can sink yourself in and find some comfort. :bighug
  21. Okay, that is worrisome. But, hopefully, it will just be so they can confidently say that there's no *the bad word* in there. Keeping the good thoughts coming!!
  22. Yes, it is a lifesaver!! Dog food is SO expensive at pet stores here, thank god for Costco!!! There is a one on the Big Island too Heh! I checked that, and was so relieved that we'd have at least ONE way to cut costs over there! Glad your transition went without a hitch! Oops. I guess that's why we have the phrase, "Your mileage may vary."
  23. I'm sure! The waiting is horrible. Bone chips? My old broodie girl had some bone chips in two legs (front and back, right side, along with some fusing), which gave her just the slightest limp. Maybe one just is in the wrong place and being all stickery. Maybe it will be something easy to go in and clean out, if necessary. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed!
  24. So many possibilities!! I hope you can get it sorted out, Lucy! How did the x-rays go?
  25. Well ... okay then! Will you be testing for Lymes? As for pills, mine have always been great about just gobbling it up with their food, but for those between-meals pills, I find it works to get them ALL excited about treats (we play catch or various tricks-for-treats), slip that pill in, maybe inside a treat or not, and on to the next treat/trick like nothing. There's always hot-dogs, right?
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